
How i know that how many site there where i had write down my email address?

by Guest61128  |  earlier

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How i know that how many site there where i had write down my email address?




  1. I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean

  2. ???? wot ????

  3. Just Google your name and/or e-mail address.  Not perfect, but at least it is a start and will give you some idea.  In addition, create an Excel spreadsheet and keep track of where you provide your information and also your passwords.

    Added:  I agree with John below--if you are being spammed--start fresh with a new e-mail address, and keep track of where you post it as I suggested in an Excel spreadsheet.

  4. ??????????????

  5. check sent messages ion your email address.

  6. Do you mean "How do I know how many websites there are to which I've given my email address"?

    If so I don't think that there is a way; though there are various services to get your email address from some of these sites & pass it on to other companies for their distribution / spam lists.  If you're getting spam problems you could either get a new email account (from somewhere such as, or think about getting a junk filter for your email.

    In the UK the data protection act should cover this, but since websites are hosted in various countries this doesn't provide much protection when online.

  7. If I understood you right then I will tell you that no one knows but its when ever you have to register with something is when you have to enter your email adress

  8. do you mean how many sites have you typed in your personal information such as you email address?

  9. wtf duz dat mean?????

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