
How i tell my mom i wanna move out???

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how do i tell my mom that i wanna move out of her house in Puerto Rico (PR) to live w/ my boyfriend in NYC we've been together 1 1/2 yr and sometimes bcuz of his job, we've a LDR and sometimes he just stays here till his job needs him, and we wanna settle down and just be together, he has a great job over there and a nice apartment? i was thinking about getting married at my age 18(his 19) but then, i was thinking that is better if we live together to c how things go, plus im not gonna let my schooling down, i'm gonna keep studying but in NYC, so i wanna tell her but idk how? any advice please




  1. I'm not sure it's such a good idea for you to move out at your age. Him having a good job in NY at age 19 is very questionable. The standard of living in NY is very high. Will he be able to support the both of you financially, even if you will be in school? Unless you have a little bit saved up on your own, I suggest you really talk this through with your mom before you do anything crazy.

  2. maybe you just need to stay with your bf for a week or though before you move out. At least you would know how things will work out after you move.

    your mom is right to be worried. I think you should take it easy on her.

    Just give her time before you move out. Try not to make it as you r leaving forever.

    It is all up to you though. I don't really know how things go in Puerto Rico.

    Good Luck

  3. well i think you should explain to her the same way you explain to me tell her : ok mom so you know ive been going out for 1 1/2 yrs and we really want to settle ill come visit [ just so she could feel good ] so im thinking about moving with him in NYC      AND THEN TELL HER ANYTHING ELSE YOU MIGHT WANT TO TELL HER

    ~ Good Luck and Best Wishes ~

  4. we as pr's u know our moms dont play- another thing- i moved out at 17, i was living alone in the bronx.its so hard.i really hard- i would say wait alil bit- save tons of money. i was working full time- going to college full time & it was a *****. i wouldnt recomend it for any one around 17 - 20 unless theyre really settled with their finances. but olny u know for you, you know. if you know what you doing - then go for it. im tellin u outa experience. i wouldnt do it. but if u one of those who wana lern on their own(like the do u mama

  5. well honey some times just coming out & telling her is the best thing 2 do. just say "mom can we talk" & just go from there. i wish the best of luck.

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