
How illegal is cycling on Footpaths?

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To get to this village where my friends are I have to go on a long footpath through loads of fields but walking takes 50 minutes and cycling would be so much quicker. Is it really that bad to cycle on a footpath and if so how bad?

By the way I live in Bedfordshire in the UK just in case the laws are different




  1. All thats ever happened me was that i was told to get onto the road

  2. I always cycle on footpaths, so many police cars have been past me and none of them have even looked at me

  3. I wouldn't worry unless it is near the end of the month when plod has to get is quota in when they would book you for looking at them.

  4. To be honest, I cycle on footpaths all the while, aswell as pavements. It might be that the footpath you're talking about is alot thinner or something. As long as you're not in anybody's way and you're not going to hit someone you should be fine. I don't actually know the laws about this, so don't quote me if you get stopped by the police, but I highly doubt that. You could always cycle until someone is walking past then dismount whilst you go past them if you're that worried. Hope this helps :)

  5. technically it is illegal but as it is considered a minor offence nine times out of ten it will be ignored by the police.

    injure someone whilst doing it will mean a different kettle of fish.

    if you can afford to pay out compensation to any injured party then i suppose you will consider that to be not important.

  6. It is illegal unless otherwise stated. For example a Cycle Path. You could be liable to a fine I know that in Lincoln that is £30. Would you ride on a pavement full of pedestrians as some idiots do.

    The reason the Police have not stopped you is probably because they are on more important duties. By the way the police do not have to be the ones to fine you a PCSO can if authorised to do it by their Chief Constable.

    However, having said all the above I can understand fully why you do cycle on the pavement as it is a lot safer. There is a need for a lot more cycle paths. A new dual carriageway was built near me and a cycle path runs for only half of the bit in my county and for none of it in the neighbouring county  I mean how daft is that.

    Something that may help you is for your local council to change the footpath into a bridleway thereby allowing you to use your bike on it.

    You will find that the majority of car drivers who give you plenty of room have probably ridden a bike on the road at some point. I nearly got knocked off mine the other day by some idiot who got really close with a wing mirror.

  7. not illegal at all, but please have some consideration for anyone else using the footpath and dismount when close to them so as not to alarm or annoy them

  8. Regardless of the law nobody in Bedfordshire walks, you might meet the odd quad or motorbike, but the chances of people on foot are slim unless you pedal past a lost Japanese tourist.

    And if it's across fields are you sure it's a footpath and not a public right of way in which case push bikes and horses are legal.

  9. i have a feeling the worst case is that a police man will give you a small fine. wait... if theres no roads in the fields then what options do you have?

  10. Not very illegal lol, you are not going to be arrested for it or anything. If it says no cycling specifically then you will be asked to dismount and that is about it really.

  11. To be honest, I cycle on footpaths like everyday, sometimes pavements, but they never take me where i want to go. If you look where your going, it should be ok as your not going into anyone so what harm are you doing. I was told once that if your over 15 and cycling along the pavement you can be find but i don't know how true this is. You Should try cycling in the road if you take a course and learn all the safety procautions.

    Hope this helps :)

  12. I love these hardknock gang bwoys that are so fearless yet sh*t scared to ride a bike on the road lol

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