
How important are Conservatives oppinions to either American Presidential candidate.?

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Obama and McCain appear so close because both guys are suopporters of Big Government, Big Money controlling issues. What happened to the Conservatives that once demanded less spending and small government? Why did the Conservatives sell out to the Liberals?




  1. Conservatives were sold out by congress 8 years when they broke their contract with America.  

    They only used it to get elected.  

    I don't believe either candidate is truly pandering to conservatives.  However, they are appealing to moderate evangelicals who do not see things quite so black and white (pardon the pun)

  2. True!   Agreed, we really have a one party system.   Party A wants to tax more, and spend it on the poor and middle class, Party B wants to tax more, and move the taxes to the poor and middle class.   Neither party has fixed anything.   The party that says its 'for small government' and 'conservative', has broke the bank over the past 8 years, but these blogs are overflowing with comments about how bad 'the other candidate is'.    it would be a good thing if a critical mass of people realized that arguing over who's the most conservative, or bickering over sound bytes, and negative campaigning is only distracting most of us, while someone loots the country.  

  3. Obama is not for big whatever, Mccain is ?

  4. McCain is not for Big Government, Obama is.  Conservatives and Liberals are still present.  The problems start arising with McCain because he is much more centrist that conservatives are comfortable, but much more conservative than any liberals are comfortable with.

    He is not afraid to go against party lines for something he believes in.  That's an admirable trait in any candidate.

    The Warlock

  5. ? they opposites

    mccain= same thing bush did

    obama= new energy, higher minimum wage, higher taxes=(, less jobs overseas, less big business, tax deductions to working families and NO WAR!

  6. Troll

  7. Apparently, the opinions of social conservatives are very important to them, because both are pandering to the Christian fundamentalists.

  8. the true conservatives still are holding out for Ron Paul I guess.  

  9. The Democratic party is NOT anti-conservative. They do however expect the Republicans to hold up their end of the argument rather than kowtow to the neocons.

    We are all for a two party system and consider the Republicans to be the anchor that keeps our party from turning into a fringe group.

    But the Republicans are no longer conservative.

    Their lower taxes and cut spending message has become a "put it on our kid's tab" message.

    Their smaller government/less interference message has turned into "expand government and blur the line between government and the private sector".

    Don't blame the Democrats for morphing to the right. We have to do our job and your job too.

  10. Not at all.

  11. Do you people know ANYTHING about these candidates, jeezus!  McCain is a Neo-con a socialist grasping onto the Conservative social values, Obama is just a socialist.

    Conservative values take power away from the federal government why would any of these morons support Conservative values?  Both of their platforms take power away from the people, the exact opposite of what our Constitution outlined, and give it to the Federal Government.  The only difference is surface issues like abortion and religion, g*y marriage and all this other minutia that bring about emotional responses from people so they look the other way while they accumulate power for the Fed.

    The only Conservative running for President was Ron Paul and he was completely marginalized  by the media and the Republican party because he would give the power back to the people.

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