
How important are eyebrows on men?

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How important are eyebrows on men?




  1. No one likes a caterpiller on

    a face, so just keep them

    cleaned up and looking nice.

  2. very important.

    i love big eyebrows on guys, its so s**y

    example: Joe Jonas

  3. not much but girls make a big deal about it

  4. When I got married my husband had me pluck his. I know he cares about his, so I'm sure they must be important. He doesn't care about anything!

  5. eyebrows are important on everyone...they are the frame of the face

  6. very important. u know when sum1 is mad, glad, sad whaever. but its funny how when sum1 doesnt have eyebrows u dont notice it right then,, u jux think that person is funny lookin

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