
How important are teacher recommendations in admissions?

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How important are teacher recommendations in admissions?




  1. nowadays it is not that important

  2. If you're being admitted as an undergrad:  your letters can help you set you apart from the crowd (especially if you're applying to very competitive schools) and help you overcome any deficiencies in your package (at schools of all levels). A great letter can make you shine, but don't expect it to magically open any doors. So many letters these days praise the applicant to the sky while being completely generic, that they're taken with a grain of salt.

    For grad school:  your letters are key, more so than your GPA. A great letter can convince a grad program to completely overlook so-so GRE scores or a mediocre GPA, and take a chance on you.

    Start cultivating the professors that are most likely to write you letters, and when the time comes, ask if they'd be willing to write you a letter. Tell them what the job is for, when the deadline is (don't ask too close to the deadline! A sure way to get a "no" response or a sloppy letter). If they agree, drop off a nice, professional looking folder with your resume, application materials, deadline and recipient clearly listed, and a STAMPED, addressed envelope. If you want them to specifically mention some talent/experience of yours, let them know---they'll appreciate it b/c it actually gives them material to use. Once you get the letter/job, keep them posted on your progress and send a short thank you note.

  3. all a college does is sell Admit tickets.

    1.  yes, can come to class.  come to lecture.

    2.  no, cannot come to class.  no, cannot come to lecture.

    world of digital technology, digital age is changing education.

    Freedom of Education in digital age.

    Freedom of Knowledge in digital age.

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    whatever happened to library, the digital library obsoleted the real library.

    whatever happened to the real school, the digital school obsoleted the real school.

    digital schools will replace the real school.

  4. in undergrad: It depends on the school and program, but a good recommendation can over-ride bad GPA or SATs. I would try to connect with a teacher (one you think you may want to pursue for a future career, like your art teacher is you want to be an artist, etc) it can be very influential if they will be able to write you a non-generic letter (which trust me, many will)

    in grad: Its SO much more important ( I think you mean undergrad, since teachers are more of professors in college)


  5. Not very.

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