
How important is a 'name day' in Italy?

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Omg! I just remember that my beau's name day was already few weeks ago. We were talking a few days ago and I never even greeted him. Silly me.. I thought his name's day is on this month but I just realized it was last month! His family is kinda traditional.. All I know that it must be important coz his family (I mean his grandparents, parents, sisters, and brother) greeted him on his name's day last year.




  1. "name day" it is enough important in Italy, in how much catholic state, where the name is generally that one of a saint. Above all in the south Italy they celebrate it like one true and own festivity. All know when there is the own "onomastico", as we call it. Mine it is 7 May!!!


  2. Name day or "onomastico", in Italian, was once as important as your birthday - mainly in the south. Is your beau from the south? I call my Italian friends on their name day and it sure makes their day.... They say that none of their friends call them and that it's only their mom or an auntie that calls 'em.

    Take a look at the Italian web sire below to keep up on who's name days it is and don't forget to call to make your friends happy. The other site to show all the meaning of the word in English and so to see where the term originates from.

    Now a days many of the small pleasures in life are being forgotten in Italy and it's a shame.

    PS - Cannot understand the thumbs down... maybe because I feel that Italy is moving ahead and leaving some of its traditions behind?

  3. I'm writing from Italy. The name day is quite important but nothing bad happens if you don't greet the person. Many people just remember it is their name day because other people greet them. Anyway, if you greet someone on his nameday it is always nice and well accepted. Some name days are more "famous" and commemorated by lots of people, for instance San Giuseppe, San Giovanni, San Francesco d'Assisi, Santa Caterina da Siena.

    Don't worry if you forgot someone's name day. You'll remember next year.

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