
How important is a good ironing board? Which should I buy?

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We've always used crappy ironing boards, but wondered how much difference a good ironing board makes.

Can anyone recommend how much we should spend on a board? And any particular brands or models recommened?





  1. Very, especially for height so you don't get a sore back

    You also want stability and a decent size area. The larger the area the less you have to keep re-arranging the clothes.

    Rigidity is also important, if the board is continually flexing then you also get a sore back.

    I always prefer to buy from hardawre stores because they are happy for you to open it and test it in the store.

  2. I can't imagine what you mean by 'crappy' ironing board. As long as it is stable, flat, etc, it should be effective.

    If it is a unstable, bunched up board then ya get a better one, that would be good for your sanity.

  3. there all the same

  4. I have both a regular size and large (or wider) ironing board.  I prefer the wider one myself, got it at Wal-Mart.  BUT I cut up an old wool blanket and put it on the board under the top cover and it really does make the ironing go better.  I don't know why, but it works.

  5. I really don't think the board makes any difference. just so long as it is sturdy.

    Just make sure you get a decent cover, ones that are too  thin are not a good idea. also make sure the cover the the right size as otherwise it will be extremely irritating when trying to do some ironing!

  6. Surely they are just flat surfaces

  7. I Dont think it is the ironing board that makes the differance its the iron x

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