
How important is a ski helmet�?

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My little 8 year old brother is skiing right now. It's only his 3rd time and he's already doing blue and some blacks. I'm somewhat concerned for him because he doesn't have a helmet and I feel he may not have the best turning control.

I go skiing a few times a year but never wear a helmet even though I always wear one when I cycle. This may be a stupid question, but is a helmet important when skiing? Have you guys ever fallen hard on the snow and hit your head? I'm really concerned about the trees. I couldn't make it on the skiing trip with him because I'm in college. I really feel like calling and ordering him to purchase a helmet.




  1. Get him and yourself helmets. They may not prevent a concussion, but they will lessen the the impact and the seriousness of the injury. The helmets are designed to help prevent a serious injury by acting as a second skull.  

      Get him to a good ski class so he learns better control. Several skiers have been killed by hitting trees or falling on rocks and hitting their head.  Even worse than being killed is becoming a quadriplegic and never being able to ski again.

  2. it really depends, im just starting skiing and i never wore a helment, but thats not a good thing. a helment is not necesary, but it is extra protection and thats good to have. if your a beginer it is good to wear a helment because you might fall alot. if your very experienced youll probaly do dangerous turns and tricks and high hills at a very fast speed. the point is, let him choose if he wants the helment or not. if he says no and hes hurt, its his fault

  3. Probably depends on the conditions, rocks, trees and the type of skiing, but it sounds like your brother could use a helmet if he's doing tricks, the trick for you is to get him to wear it after you buy it....lessons learned from buying a bike helmet for my 12 year old son, that doesn't wear it. Good Luck!

  4. I would be dead without one.  Get him one with the built in headphones so he can listen to his iPod while skiing.  Wearing a helmet keeps my head warmer than a beanie alone and the ear flaps keep my ears nice and warm.

    Most of the larger snowboard mail order shops and local board/ski ones should be offering deep discounts on 2008 products.

  5. I think it is very important.  I went on a ski trip last week, and one of my friends crashed into a tree and he wasn't wearing a helmet.  He had to go to the hospital, is in a coma, and hasn't woken up yet.   So I say better safe than sorry.

  6. Hitting you head on ice is worse than hitting your head on concrete.  Then you factor in the trees, lift poles, buildings, idiot skiers, and rocks.  

    Ask yourself this, how important is your brain?

  7. I think you're right to be concerned, skiing seems easy but it's super easy to get in over your head.  There's a (remote) chance he might be a skiing prodigy but there is still the risk of other people on the slopes out of control.

    It's hard to get people to wear helmets - even I sometimes question whether or not to wear one - so it's a good thing that there are "cooler" ones coming out.  See if your parents will spring to get him a helmet with headphones built in.  If he has an mp3 player or something that might be a good way to get him to wear it.

  8. Very, I have been skiing and I fell right under the ski lift and the ski lift hit me right in the head. It hurt reallly badly and I got a bump.

    My friend was snowboarding and she fell and hit her head on the snow and she said it hurt alot

    My other two friends fell face first and broke their noses.

    we all wish that we were wearing helmets when it happened

  9. well i know personally that when u get good you will want to do the jumps and terrain parks! i fell backwards and hit my head on the rail so i sure am glad i had it!! i have also heard of helmets saving skiers lives so ya i think it would be a good idea for him to get one! it could save his life!

  10. It is really important. The first time I went snowboarding 2 years back and I had a very bad fall. Rolled a few times and hit my head too. But I was lucky cos there was a lot of powder and where I fell. But it could have been worse. I really recommend a helmet to be on the safer side.

  11. matter of life and death!!!!

  12. It depends on what he is doing and how he is doing it. It isn't really that big of a deal if he is just on the groomers and a few bumps... but if he starts hitting jumps or skiing trees then it would probably be in his best interest to get one.

    I got one last year after a nasty crash in the trees and use it regularly now (I ski 2-4 times per week). It's definitely nice at times, especially in trees when you whack a branch or something, but also just on normal terrain when you fall it takes some of the force out.

    ...Plus, it gives you a great place to put stickers!

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