
How important is asking Q's in philosophy to your thought process?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Not very.

  2. Philosophy, art etc.  are the higher realm of the functions of our brain....these subjects shows us how much we are evolving.  

  3. I believe it is important. I am not sure I can state "how" important it is because it is part of the whole of my thought processes.  When I ask a question, I learn from other's perspectives which can add value to my thought processes. Yet, I also learn from answering others questions. When I am in the process of answering questions I do not just write instantaneously but sit back and think about it and then give my perspective. For example, right now as I am typing out this answer to your question I have paused several times to ponder what my perspective is regarding importance of asking a philosophy question. When I get done and submit this I will still come back several times and read everyone else's answers and see other's perspectives (which can add to my thought process). Then say tonight this question is still on my mind or I have pondered it further I may have a question regarding this subject and decide to post that question tomorrow for others to answer (again adding more into my thought process).  

  4. I think we ask questions to find answers within ourselves or to consider the ideas of others in order to grow our mind. once we find an answer we can appreciate we move on to the next thing and the next and the next. in the end though I guess I could ask does it really matter? do I gain anything in the answers?

    I guess my answer to you is that I personally find it important because the answers give me food for thought.

  5. Very important. By asking questions, you create the need for answers, which is what philosophy is all about.  

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