
How important is butts size to men ?

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How important is butts size to men ?




  1. Ummm idk...mines 40 inches so idk...but i think it really depends on if he wants butt or b***s

  2. depends on the guy. if he's an *** man probably more important than to a breast man or a leg man. that said, guys are known to make exceptions to these rules, i mean who doesn't make exceptions for that kind of thing. if you act attractively and try a little to look nice you can get guys. end of.

  3. As long as it's toned & not jiggly it's fine, they care more about b*****s though =(

  4. very important to me in fact.

    As i Always look for the right one.

    More the size more the masti.

    it should be bulgy and faraway spongy

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