
How important is fitness in snooker?

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How important is fitness in snooker?




  1. Fitness in snooker is very important  because of the mental strain and also the length of some of the matches

  2. you don't need to be physically fit at all to play snooker. obviously if you've got a big beer gut that won't help, but what you need is mental stamina, good forward thinking, and obviously the ability to judge potting the balls. so if you're talking mental fitness - very important. but if you want to go getting tanked up every weekend and smoke loads of cigarettes, feel free, my man.

  3. i think its rather important,imagine the time they need to stand and play.But mental strength is also important too,they could just give up easily but they have to sit in the chair and wait,i think its rather like a suffering too seeing your opponent shooting all the balls while u sit and wait and knowing that u might loose.

  4. not important at all, as long as you're not confined to a wheelchair

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