
How important is health insurance for me/us?

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i am a little iritated right now. my fiance and i me 23yrs and him 22yrs dont have health insurance. he has major from his family business but that is it. my dad is worried that i am not on any coverage. kyle and i are both veryhealthy people. but still, i have been looking insurance up and getting quotes. we dont plan on having children for at least 3 years, and he doesnt think we need anything until then. well, i still go to my yearly gyno and i am on birth control which i pay 50 bucks a month for!

bottom line is my work doesnt offer that great of insurance, its like 300 bucks a month and his family business only has major. sooo what do we do? i have no clue. he is kinda annoyed that i am looking into it. but what if we did get pregnant. im not planning on it at all. but i am jsut worried. am i over worried here?

i asked him to help me look for some and he jsut said its too expensive and it should just be my job to look it up. ah!




  1. It is VERY important. If you get hurt or get sick you will be responsible for the bill. Let's say you come down with a major illness and then you want health insurance, well you won't be able to get it because you will be subject to a pre-existing condition and they won't cover that condition for 1 year. (This is in NJ. I am not sure what it is in your state)

  2. WOAH!  Major signs here.  Does your bf not want the best for you?  Does he not want you to get the medical care you would need it something happened to you?  Pregnancy isn't the only thing that can happen to an otherwise healthy young woman.  A simple emergency room visit for stitches can cost more than the annual premium for your medical plan.

    You indicated that his major medical insurance is through a family business.  Does the family not see the necessity of a good medical plan?  Will they add you to the policy once your are married or is it too expensive?  

    Being annoyed that you are looking into protection for your financial future as well as your health tells me he might not be the stand up guy that you believe you love and want to spend the rest of your life with.  Be careful here and read the signs.

  3. It is very important. If you can't afford a policy, you can't afford to become ill, and pay for the care out of pocket. My friend's daughter ( she's your age) had to have her tonsils out, they got infected, and it cost $30,000.00. No kidding! Also, if you wait until you are pregnant to get coverage, your pregnancy won't be covered. Aetna has policies that run under $200.00 a month for a healthy young female non-smoker with no previous drug addictions. And, Golden Rule does to-- check them out. Call an agent and get some quotes, and don't listen to your boyfriend. He isn't giving you good advice. Think twice about a boyfriend who doesn't plan for adversity. It happens to the healthiest people. Then what? One real accident or illness can bankrupt you and rob you of a comfortable future.

  4. It sounds like a not easy cracking nut,have a look here,you should find something useful for you.

  5. what if you get hurt in a traffie accident???

    need lots of operations...........w/o health insurance you will prob get fixed, but later you will be sued for the cr cards.............

  6. every body needs medical insurance.. what happens if you have an accident of any kind?  who will pay the bill.  your fiance needs to grow up.  i'm not sure what state your in, but in TN blue cross/blue shield offers some pretty good rates.  just go get your own policy.  i think i might have to think twice about a man that didn't think i needed insurance coverage but he does.  sounds like he puts himself first. you hear people complain about the cost of health care, ONE of the reasons health care is so expensive is because people don't think they need ins then something happens and they have to go to the hospital.  they can't afford to pay the bill so insurance costs go up because of uninsured folks.  you're an adult-just go get your own policy.  he's being very selfish

  7. We are the smart alternative to high cost insurance. Our programs start at just $19.95 a month per household. Everyone who resides at your home will be covered regardless of relation. We offer different programs to suit your needs.

    You cannot be denied. There is no paperwork. All ongoing medical/dental problems are included *except braces in progress*, and you get immediate savings. There is also a 30-day money back guarantee.

    If you pay more than $90/month in prescriptions, ask about our prescription advocacy program. This may allow you to get FREE brand name prescriptions (including birth control).


    Diana Pardo

    (440) 865-6656

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