
How important is it for Middle-schoolers to learn to use a graphing calculator?

by Guest57300  |  earlier

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I'm a home-schooling father using Saxon Algebra 1. I have noticed some schools are using graphing calculators (the kind that run about $100 and can be connected to a computer) and I am concerned that my daughter will not be up to par, although I don't see anything requiring graphing calculators on the SAT. Is it just a teaching technique? Is it helpful to the student? I'm inclined to go on teaching without one. (I'll just use an ordinary scientific calcualtor). Thanks for any input.




  1. It is a disadvantage and annoyance not to have a graphing calculator during high school. But during middle school, it isn't necessary at all. Later on, starting in 9th grade, graphing calculators save you a great deal of time when you're taking virtually any math exam, especially important exams like the SAT, or just doing maths homework. At public high schools, most of the students simply borrow a school graphing calculator, which of course they can't take home. Something they find very annoying and hard to deal with it, but due to the rather high cost they have no choice.

    It would be smart to start using a graphing calculator as your daughter nears 9th grade, but during middle school it really isn't needed. The most important thing is that your daughter knows how to do everything on paper that the graphing calculator can do before she starts using it. Otherwise, it's easy to become completely dependent on the calculator. Texas Instruments makes the best graphing calculators. For additional info, here is Texas Instruments' "The Top 10 Questions Parents Ask about Graphing Calculators"

    Best of luck.

  2. If you plan on taking those advanced math classes in high school then learn to use a graphic calculator now because it will be a lot easier, and you won't have to bother your teachers as often. I used graphic calculator mostly in my algebra 2 class, so if you plan on taking algebra 2 you'll definetly need to learn how to use a graphic calculator.

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