
How important is it for people to have a level of input and involvment in these things called policies?

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How important is it for people to have a level of input and involvment in these things called policies?




  1. Most policies could affect our daily lives so it is very important that we have a say. Governments don't want us to have a say because they know that with some major policies they could be blown right out of the water.

  2. in england we all do it's called the vote. however often 40% of us refuse to have any say in these policies.

    many would have to admit  " if you paid somone to ask me what i preferred and my opinion counted towards the betterment of our society I still would not walk 100m to a polling station to give my opinion.

  3. important for whom? for the people! well, if it makes them feel important, right?! for the people who come up with the policy? well, big day for them to see it implemented...your question is wonderfully unclear

  4. Politics isn't about the people really. It's only about the people when a political party or politicians job is on the line.

  5. Of course it is important. One of the fundamentals of democracy is power in the hands of the people, the right to vote, to express your opinion and have input by the people. These policies will most likely affect you so it is fundamental that you have input in what is going on in the government. We elect officials to represent us in Congress and how would they know what their constituents want if no one states their opinion or makes know what they want changed? Input is always important, it is one of the the underlying themes of democracy.

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