
How important is it to grade in Ballet dancing?

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My daughter is doing ballet, she is in grade 1 now in ballet. why is it so important to grade. What will she miss out on if she doesn't grade? Australian answers only please.




  1. I know I'm not austrailian but I think I can explain.

    It all really depends on where she wants to take her ballet, if she's planning on just doing it for fun or if she doesn't feel very passionate about it then I wouldn't pay for grades as she will work on the same thing exccept she will not be rewarded with trophies and certificates however it may seem quite sad to learn all the work and not be rewarded. You;re not losing anything if she does the grades, just the money but it soon levels out as she is rewarded (however the examinations may seem very stressful) If she doesn't do grades and if a talent spotter ever turns up then she won't get anywhere without the qualifications ... she needs her results to prove that her oerfirmance was not a one off.

  2. Australian right here-but you'll find that anyone can answer this question all around the globe.

    Disciple and technique is what graded examinations give you. It sets the foundation of Ballet from an early stage which can then continue on her whole dancing life.

    Without doing exams I wouldn't be the ballet dancer that I am now.

  3. Australian right here!

    Usually schools have grades when they have a specific syllabus. Different syllabuses found in australia are RAD (royal academy of dance) BAL (ballet australaisa limited), CSTD (commonwealth society) BBO (british ballet organisation) and even more. It may pay to look at their websites, and also find out which syllabus your daughters school follows.

    I must admit, MOST schools in Australia use a particular syllabus if they offer ballet. And they will use the grades of these syllabuses. Grading is a very good methos to teach balelt. This is because of your daughter progresses through the ballet grades, the work will get gradually harder. Basic, strong technique is built in the lower grades and gradually more and more work is introduced. It is a great way to build a solid foundation.

    It also sets a good standards among ballet schools. Your daughter is learning the work many many other children will be learning at other schools. The fact that there is a set curriculum is great for control - it ensures students get a really good foundation, not just learning "tricks" before they actually get a good technique.

    The graded syllabuses often have examinations, which further emphasizes the factor of standards. An examiner will come from maybe another state, and asses all the schools that use that syllabus in the state. Results of pass, pass plus, commended, highly commended, honours and honours distinction are given (but have different names depending on what syllabus is followed). This gives your daughter and you an idea of how she is going.

    I personally think graded syllabuses are a great way to go, BUT there are benefits of schools that dont use the syllabuses. These schools might get her to think on her toes a bit more, rather than do the same set excersises every week for a year or half a year. Often thouh, these schools are very competition based, focusing more on tricks etc than technqiue. Im not saying all of these schools are like this, but you need to investigate before sending her to one.

    But from my experience, most, if not all, dance schools in australia follow a syllabus. And even if they dont, they still have levels, which are alot like grades, where your daughter would be place in a group with her ability anyway.

    Also if she wants to be a dance teacher taking exams will help her to be able to teach this syllabus. Find out more from her teacher or the syllabuses website.

    Hope i helper. If you have any questions about this, it is best to contact her teacher. It would be a benefit to find out what syllabus your daughters school does, and if exams are available at her school. Exams are very beneficial! They help students work towards a goal.

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