
How important is it to know the answer for everything that happens?

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For believers and atheists alike, how important is it for you to feel certain you know "why" things occur?

I'm talking about events and experience in your own lives (e.g., missed the bus, failed an exam, found $7 on the street--happened to me this morning and I'd forgotten my wallet at home and didn't have lunch).

PS: I'm atheist and attribute no "good will" from a creator to my $7 boon. Like s**+*, finding money happens. :)




  1. I don't analyze everything that happens in my day. I'm way to busy for that. My basic philosophy: same pile, different foot.

  2. most of the things you mentioned are not important for me to know why they happened, because i know in advance that they will happen ( miss bus failed for an examen ). the things i do not know in advance are attributed to 'luck' or 'bad luck' or 'coincidence'

  3. Well, I am a Buddhist.  I practice Zen meditation (Korean school) and my mantra is "Clear mind, clear mind, clear mind (on the inhale) DON"T KNOW (on the exhale)."

    That should give you a pretty good idea :)  Great question, by the way.

  4. It's not important at all. Coincidences don't really have answers.

  5. It's not important, it's impossible :)

  6. I believe that trying to find an answer for most things is a waste of time and I have more important things to do-like live my life. For most things in our lives it take a nanosecond to figure them out. Example: missed the bus-couldn't get my sorry act together, you find $7 on the street because someone else dropped it. Some people don't seem to feel the need to do anything but "find answers." Hope maybe they don't come to the end of their lives wishing they had done something else!

  7. To know everything about everything. To me it is almost instinctual. But then again I was taking apart my toys at about 4 years old to see what was inside. I am just really curious. My parents call me the "warehouse of useless information" because I have always remembered tonnes of really trivial information.  

  8. It isn't important at all.  Some questions do not have answers.

  9. As a Christian, I believe that there is a reason behind everything, but I highly doubt that I would want to know that reason. Sometimes, the reason may be simply that it was for my own benefit; other times, it may be the prevention of a devastating tragedy.  

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