
How important is it to turn cell phone off?

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What if you never turn off your cell phone, just plug it in at night? Does the battery last longer if you turn it off?




  1. I work for T-Mobile. We are trained that turning your phone off helps to keep a better connection to the towers.  Not only that it fixes the majority of problems someone might have day to day... on our side we find folks who are experiencing the dropped calls, audio issues etc will say that the NEVER turn the phone off. So you do so and guess what they are fine. Sometimes it is a little more that we have to do but thats the major reason.

    I haven't seen that it helps the life of the battery either way.

    ** depending on the type of phone ie PDA it may even clear out all the c**p you did during the day so you aren't eating up the phones memory.  

  2. I never turn my phone off. I just plug it in at night. I see no difference, to be honest.  

  3. I normaly leave my phone on 24/7 and charge it at nite because I use it as a back up alarm clock and because I might for get to turn it on and miss a message or call from my dispatcher when I am between home and work.

    I have never had any issues with the battry lasting any longer or shorter

  4. I usually turn it off daily. Another thing I do is I pull the battery out and let the device reboot. Its good to to it if you experience drop calls. That alone solves lots of issues.

  5. I think it will just charge faster.

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