
How important is money?

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How important is money?




  1. Very important. But more important than money is what it is backed by.

    Most countries back the money issued by precious metals. Others back it by other money from other countries. Some back it by their own economy, which is good until the economy goes down the hill.

  2. I would like to say money isn't important, and that's what I used to think but growing up opened my eyes.

    it's not that I NEED money because I think the most important thing is just being happy. Sadly, hanging out with friends and having fun requires money. Sure we do a lot of things that don't require money but there are only so many free things you can do.

    And if anyone cares to notice, we go to school starting at the age of 5. Why do we go to school? To get an education to get a good job in order to earn money. Then after school, you work for the rest of your life to earn a decent paycheck. I'm not saying it takes money to be happy because a lot of people live comfortable lives without luxuries, it just takes a lot of work and most people's idea of a comfortable life is relaxing.

    Money may not equal happiness but it sure as h**l helps.

  3. you know !!!!? if you would like to see world as ancient or as refugee's igloo then you(or your govt) will have  only to take back the value of money . i mean money  should like as paper thats yet ...think ... there is nobody ready for work or give service , some engineers will not built the buildings, some teachers will not teach,then how come will  world be progressed? etc  etc only because of money ...

  4. As important as oxygen.

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