
How important is patience in life?

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How important is patience in life?




  1. Very. I've always been told that good things come to those who wait. I think patience shows how committed and tolerant a person is in life. We have all been in instances where our patience is tested and I think that how we respond shows a lot about who we are.  

  2. Depends on how badly you want something.  Having patience is the key to getting anything and everything you want.

  3. very for the wait for all is a long wait

  4. Aahhh - now that depends on the context of patience in your life .... there is a saying that says 'everything comes to those who wait....' the interpretation of this generally means to have patience......

    however it's not always the case - sometimes you can wait too long and miss an opportunity .... other times you would do well not to jump in straight away and wait to see what the situation evolves into before taking action/giving an opinion/setting your mind.....

    You (obviously) need patience with young children while you wait for them to learn and develop and grow up a little.....

    You (obviously) need patience with an elderly or infermed person because their faculties are not as quick as a younger more abled person....

    You (obviously) need patience when working towards that promotion at work.....

    You need to be discerning with patience when it comes to making decisions - too soon could be a mistake - as could being too late.... but how do you know?  this is where you need to be able to judge the right amount of patience appropriate to the situation......and that judgement only comes with experience .... which you need patience for to gain!..... So I guess patience, aka, learning, growing and developing, is not just important in life - it is a fact of life.....!

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