
How important is "age" when it comes to "respect"?

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All my life, I heard the expression, "Respect your elders." Also, is it true that it's considered "dis"respect for a child to say that an adult falsely accused them of doing something wrong, & that the adult was lying? That's what the former foster family raised me to believe. I think I've been misinformed. No matter if you're an adult or a child, if you're lying, you're lying.

Now that the tables are turned, I'm an adult, & they ENCOURAGED the foster boys to disrespect me. The foster boys would steal my $$, & when I told the foster mom, & they said I was lying (I wasn't), she would believe them over me. I'm glad I'm far, far away from them now.

But how accurate is this? Should respect be exercised by everyone, regardless or age, or is it a MUST? Some people believe that we don't have a "right" to respect. They say it's a privilege, & you must EARN it.

I disagree with that because I have a disability. People disrespect me because I'm different. With my Tourette's, my face twitches. I didn't EARN "dis"respect, did I?

What are your thoughts?




  1. Respect is something that must be worked at.  This applies to giving as well as receiving.  You are right to respect everyone.  There will always be liars and cheaters.  But, you need to continue to show your respect for others.

  2. First of all it's totally wrong to disrespect people with disabilities. That is one of my pet peeves--there are lots of things wrong with me in particular (allergies, asthma, and other various lung problems) and I have to lug around lots (I mean lots) of medicine everywhere I go. It really stinks and sometimes people make fun of me and they're just like "let it GO already! NOTHING will happen to you!". I know the feeling--it can get really annoying. No, you earned no disrespect at all. People are just rude sometimes, and we can't fix that alone.

    I personally think that respect should be exercised by everyone regardless of age. I don't think anyone should have to earn respect. It's a must for human beings. Respect is a way of loving and caring for people--if you disrespect someone that can literally drive them insane, depending on the level of degree. Disrespect, ignorance, and intolerance are some of the few things that drive people to do drugs, alcohol, and other various types of bad things.

    I totally agree with you. I'm sorry for what you've been through but I'm glad you're away from that family now--that was horrible. Dis/respect are two very powerful things but sometimes people just can't handle it. It's better to just worry about yourself and your actions and let other people take care of themselves, too. Hope this helped!! :]

  3. It depend.. Most people deserve respect at any age. You should respect a persons privacy and respect ones own private space.But children and young teens may get less respect because they don't have knowledge and experience.For example: Criminals don't get respect, because of there crimes and attitude.If  a man robs and older person, he's lost his respect for others, because he had none for that person.It just varies from person to person.. but you shouldn't assume that because a person had a disability they deserve less respect than anyone else. Then again, "earning " respect is not given to some,because they are total strangers and you don't know anything about them, you just have to know when to just be polite and give respect.

  4. The way I do it is that everyone begins with the same amount of respect. Then as they choose to abuse my trust, be disrespectful, etc., my respect for them goes down, and if they give me reason to respect them more, then my respect for them goes up.

  5. It sounds like your fosters were messed in the head -  you're best off far away from them.

    You should respect your elders in the way you would wish to be respected when you are their age. When you are older you would appreciate someone holding the door for you, waiting for you if you move more slowly, and listen to you while you speak. We expect our elders to have accumulated more knowledge and wisdom over time; give them time to share that with you. Now if someone, child or elder, proves themselves to be a d!ckhead, then you don't need to respect that!

    Sorry to hear you have troubles with Tourette's.. I'm sure you realize that the twitching may be very off-putting to other people, they may assume you're making goofy faces, or s******g up your face in disgust. I'm afraid you may just have to introduce yourself with "I just want you to know I have a nervous condition that makes my face twitch - please don't think I'm doing it on purpose to annoy you, I'm not!"  

  6. I belive that respect is any age.We all do things to respect someones wishes at any age. If a child dosnt like somthing would you go ahead and force your opinions or yourself on them. Somthing as small as brushing their hair, if it hurts would you slam the brush into their scalp after they have told you it hurts really bad, no you would go gently.Respect is not somthing earned, it comes with do unto others.Honor and valor is earned. People have to know you are honest and trustworthy and that comes as a adult.No you did not earn disrespect, just dumb people being themselves. They dont know how to act around people that are different in some ways. Im sure you are a honorable person who deserves respect at all times.

  7. Very important! Age, without a doubt, has a lot to do with respect. Even if it really shouldn't. In my opinion, maturity should be what we base our stereo types on. NOT age, because believe me, I've met 21 year old who act like 12 year olds, and 12 year olds who act like 21 year olds!  

  8. It all depends on culture!!

  9. nothing like age and physical appearance matters when it comes to respect

    action is what gains you respect like helping people when there down (sad)

    or standing up for someone

  10. No offense to your family, but you've been taught a lot of bull.....

    anyways, age isn't related to respect to me. i'll respect an 8y/o child if they aren't rude. (shockingly) i will respect an adult, IF they don't treat me like a small child who doesn't know anything[ahem, rude much?]

    Respect is a privilege, sorta, but it's more of a given, and you can LOOSE it and have to earn it back

  11. I agree with what you said about lying.  No matter the age if your lying about something, then your lying and that's that.  

    I think "respect your elders" is overrated.  I have seen many older people (60ish) who can't even say thank you, please or excuse me.  I'm sorry but to me they are not entitled to any more respect than anyone else.  A 12 year deserves respect.  They are humans too and have feelings.  A child deserves respect as well at an adult.  I honestly think a lot of people lack respect anyway.  It's their guardians/parents fault.  If the person raising them lacks respect, then they will only pass that down to their offspring's.

    But, I just think everyone could use a course in respect and/or watch an episode or 2 of Barney and respectful ways.  The elder included.  I have held the door for numerous people old and young and both seem like they can't utter a simple "thank you".  What is this world coming to anyway? We only care for ourselves and lack respect and compassion for anyone else.

    For me, I will typically be disrespectful to those who are outright disrespectful to me.  If someone has no given me a reason to be rude then I won't be.  And/or if I know that I shouldn't be rude to someone superior to me (like a boss or something) then I won't be.  I typically am not outright rude to anyone unless I feel like they have been rude to me.

  12. everyone should earn respect but even if they didn't "earn" it doesn't mean it shouldn't be given.

    you should always give people respect. whether your getting it back or not.

    for the foster boys...well they sound like little brats that have been able to get away with a lot and no one has said anything about it.

    you have not earned disrespect no one really earns any of that.

    respect is not a privilege, everyone should give it and get it. even if someone is rude or very "dis" respectful towards matter what you should still be respectful to them. karma as some people say.

    I'm sorry for what has happened to you. but know that there are good people out there that know the difference between wrong and right.

    you cant tell anyone to respect you, they have to do it on their own and thats when you find out who is a good preson and who is an *** whole.

  13. You can respect a title, if you work for someone as they have power over your hiring and firing.  Or if you know they worked hard to get where they are.  And not just handed the job because they know someone.

    You Could respect someone because they are good people or did something you deem respectable.  You can respect someone for not making fun of you.  Even if others in a group may be.  

    To be fair I think its best to treat people civil until they give you a reason not to.  That way everyone has a chance to be your friend.

    Of course be weary of strangers I mean it would be silly to just fully trust someone, but its not a good practice to make people earn your trust, as some  may say.  some people could be nice but think you aren't as you may be SOOO guarded they can take your actions as mean/rude so forth or just think you are anti-social.

    Respect, is a word I would not use.  That  is a word used by fools, or just by people being told that generation to generation.

    actual respect should be earned, as that is a honor to respect someone.  Its not a honor if you respect everyone just because they made it past a certain age.

    It would make more sense for you to be taught to treat everyone civil.  As that is part of being a good person.  

    And No You do not deserve disrespect, but sometimes things aren't your fault sometimes people have there own issues and they take them out on others it may not be about YOU per se.  

    These people may be uncomfortable by your  Tourette's and this is how they respond to there discomfort.  As they may not be used to being around it, unfortunately immature or stupid, uneducated people aren't exactly tactful.  Its not about YOU as much about them being uncomfortable.

    Most of the time people are reacting powered by emotions they do not know how to deal with.

    Just try to be honest sometimes knowledge helps people understand, many people don't know what Tourette's actually is, maybe if you inform them about it.  It will ease there anxiety, which is what the uncomfortable feeling is, knowledge is power.

    well I hope I helped.  And I'm sorry you has to be surrounded by immaturity and stupidity and now feel disrespected.  Try not to take these people 2 seriously it is there own issues they are dealing with. Even if they deal with it poorly.

    We all have our issues we deal with.  Just some deal with them better than others. That is what it boils down to basically, in my opinion.

    I wish you well, I hope everything works out for you.

  14. Interesting. It's not a black and white issue.  Just because someone has reached a certain age doesn't make him or her entitled to special respect. I believe that all people deserve respect, that is consideration. Isn't that what respect boils down to, consideration? It is believed that when you get older you acquire wisdom but it's not always true. I know some old timers that don't seem to have learned much and if they have then they aren't sharing it. What's the point there?

    I'm glad that you are away from them because it sounds like they want it all ways and you lose. That's not right at all. Just be careful about you who let into your life. It matters. There are plenty of good people out there but you may need to do a little searching. Life is pretty complex.

  15. In fact everyone is making a special respect for it self.If you lie most of the time from when you was a child until now and until in the future,everyone cannot believe you.Because you tell lie all the time.So the result is do the good things because you are making a special face for your self.All the people know each other after sometime.So do not use your brain in bad things.But we have something that it is not TRUE!!!!

    Like that thing you said to us.Some people are that they believe someone but they don't believe you.But you have a way NOW!!!!!

    You can make a new face for your self.Show your self person.In front of your mom or dad or your brothers... or every people that they don't believe you.And speak to they that you don't tell a lie.Just think and tell they and be sure you are right!.

  16. People often confuse respect with good judgment and wisdom. It sounds like your former foster parents lacked both. God tells us to love each other as we would love ourselves. Live by that and don't limit or try to put borders around who and why someone should be respected.

  17. Respect is something that should  be given to anyone regardless of age and it is a two way street. It must be given to received.

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