so ive gotten my 12mos old daughter to go to bed with no bottle, while she is still awake. i only started last night, she was sleeping within 15min last night, and 10min tonight. so im quite pleased - however, she has done it all herself, i contributed very little to it.
i told my MIL about the new routine as she usually takes her overnight once a week. i told her it bath, pjs, then if she is sure she is tired, kisses cuddles and night night, lullaby light on, she will whine, comfort her, whine, comfort, etc. she will fall asleep.
she replied:
'well if it takes a long time, them im just going to give her a bottle as i cant be bothered with all the sh sh sh it ok mummy / granny is here. if she is tried she will sleep, whether she is crying or not.
i had said, well id really appreciate for you to co-operate with me with this as she has done extremely well so far and i dont want her to get confused, and i wouldnt like the thought of her being alone and crying herself to sleep.
she replied, well, we'll see.
she is supposed to be watching her on saturday night as we have a wedding reception, i am seriously considering missing it as i really really dont want my girl to get confused and to be difficult at bedtime as so far she has been just wonderful. i havent told my BF yet, as he is at work.
so my question is, do you think one night throw her completely off?