
How important is the meaning of a name to you?

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Will you look for a name with a certain meaning first, or just find a name you like and then look at the meaning?




  1. No i just pick names i like. The only name that means something to me is my oldest daughters middle name Billie. That has personal meaning. Even my youngest daughters middle name is just another name i liked. Her middle name is Myia. SO i have Chloe Billie Clair and Keira Myia Clair. I'm due another little girl in 7 weeks and thinking of calling her Brooke Tayla Clair. Just because i like it lol x

  2. Doesn't matter to me at all. You arn't going to introduce your child as 'little johnny, it means fireplace' or whatever.

    A particular spelling of my daughters name Leah means 'goddess of canoe-making'!!!

  3. its not the first thing I look for but once I know the meaning it can change my mind like I had my heart set on Claudia til I found out it meant cripple now I like Maeva and when I found out it was polynesian for welcome I just thought perfect

  4. VERY. When I hear a name I like, I always look up name meanings!

  5. Not very, I couldn't even tell you the meaning of my children's names without looking it up.

    We just found things that flowed well with our last name, and names that we thought were pretty.  

  6. not important atall when i look at baby name websites i hardly ever look at the meanings

  7. i find a name i like then look at the meaning if i dont like the meaning i will not name my baby that, like i wanted to name her Sienna then i found out the meaning of that name was 'reddish brown' lol, so i moved on to the next name which is Anaya (A Nigh uh) the meaning of it is 'completely free' so much better then 'reddish brown' lol.

  8. meaning is the most important for me

  9. no my daughter is named Dai and its not even a real name but then again im 15 so i like unsusally names

  10. Every baby name book has different meanings for the same name.  I wonder if someone just sits around making up meanings LOL.

    If I happen to see a really horrible meaning, it will turn me off to the name.  Otherwise I just pick what I like without paying too much attention to the meaning.

  11. If I really liked a name, and was definately going to use it I would research the meaning of the name, mainly because I don't want my child to have a name and the meaning of it turns out to be something like 'rubbish' or 'sadness'. I would reconsider the name I chose depending on the meaning.

  12. Meanings are very important to me

  13. i would think of the name first then look for the meaning,but more important i would think if the name would sound right when the child is 18 andin a social gathering

  14. I tend to subscribe to the philosophy that New Scientist Magazine calls 'Nominative Determinism'

    or, Give a dog a bad name...

  15. I guess how important a name is, for me, would be pretty important. I mean, you dont want a name with the meaning of Dirt or something like that, you know? So I looked up some names and this is some things that I found:

    Girls Names I like:

    Abigail/Abbi, Father in Rejoice

    Ashtyn, Settlement in the Ash Tree Grove

    Baylee, Bailiff

    Bree/Bri, The exalted one.

    Cali, N/A

    Chelsea, Chalk Landing Place

    Dani, God is my judge

    Devyn, N/A

    Elenore, pity

    Faith, faith, confidence

    Boy Names I Like:

    Andy, man; warrior

    Benjamin, son of my right hand

    Connor, Lover of Hounds

    Garret, Strength of the spear

    Dallas, Meadow stance

  16. i dont think itsthat important unlessitmeans something reallyawful or bad like poo

  17. I always go for sound over meaning.

    It doesn't really matter what a name means unless it's something negative, then I'd definitely reconsider.

  18. i don't really care about meanings when i will name my child (which won't be for awhile) i will probably never look at the meaning

  19. I check for the name fist, but I'm always interested in the meaning of a name. And when I have children, I'd like their names to have an important meaning.

    Mine means, She Who Listens. I love that!

  20. I picked names I liked and had a special meaning.  My son's middle name just kind of came out of no where but it fit him, so I went with it.  My future daughter's name is all planned out..with meaning.

    Also, I don't believe in outlandish names to be unique.  Kids are mean as h**l and I want to minimize the name teasing!

  21. a name you like is more important people will always hear your name hardly ever the meaning! i think my daughter would rather have a name she likes and a meaning she doesn't she has to hear the name everyday!x

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