
How important is this?

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As a writer, how important is organization?

How many characters should a narrative have?

How important is the setting?

I've been having problems on picking the location for my narrative.

How well should I know every character?




  1. Organisation is very important. I keep a diary in the perspective of the main charactor to make sure I get dates right.

    Charactors is your choice. More can make it more confusing but also more interesting.

    The setting is important you choose somewhere you know well it will help you to capture a story.

    So choose somewhere you know well!

    The more you know about your charactors the better!

    I hope this was some help!

  2. Organization is big-if the reader cant make sense of it they will get bored

    Characters: no limit but having to many important characters can confuse readers

    the setting is important-the reader needs to be able to visualize everything in their mind

    make sure you are descriptive and that how your characters act and respond to certain situations are consistent-if it is not the reader will spot it and be disappointed. readers have it in their heads how the character is and if the character does something that isnt in their character without valid explaination they will get upset
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