
How important is voting to you?

by  |  earlier

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I know there are people who care and people who don't. I'd like to know what voting means to you, if anything. I encourage everyone to answer, regardless of age.




  1. Dose it really matter what we think?

  2. "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal" -E. Goldman

    Direct action is a more effective way of getting your opinions across than raising your hand for some bureaucrat or issue.

  3. I've voted in a lot of elections.  I've skipped some. If I don't know anything about the issue or the candidate, I skip that on the ballot.  It doesn't matter to me if anyone else votes though.  The perfect election, to me, would be one in which I was the only one to vote.  Everyone else, feel free to stay home


  4. Do people actually believe they vote someone into office for President? The piddly little elections, yes...but the one that matters? Fools.

    Get someone worth voting for, and I'll vote. Make my vote count, and I'll vote. Until then, I'm not wasting my time.

  5. It means alot too me.  It really makes me mad when someone who is over eighteen says that they are not going to vote.  I would love to vote but i'm only seventeen and will not be able to vote in this upcoming election.  

  6. It's important to me.  But, it pisses me off when MTV does the whole "Vote or Die" thing.  It's encouraging people who know nothing about the Canidates to vote.  Duh...I'm voting for this guy cause MTV told me to vote and my friends are votiing for him.  

    My GreatGrandmother was a sufferagist.  I owe it to her to not only vote, but vote intelligently.

  7. In Australia it is illegal not to vote, so the overly patriotic think it is really important but i don't think it would matter all that much,as all of our candidates are extremely alike. In America (which I'm guessing is where you're asking from) I think it is a little more important because America is responsible for setting standards for the rest of the world, and some of America's candidates seem really flexible and diverse, like they're really there for the people ( In my opinion this describes Obama ) and some seem like another George Bush ( Eg: Mcain ). Excellent question by the way.

  8. Very important.  I have to do anything I can to prevent B. Hussein Obama from winning.

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