
How important is worldwide environmental sustainability including wildlife, natural areas, global warming,?

by Guest10782  |  earlier

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natural resources both renewible and not, and pollution?




  1. We cannot afford to ignore any of these things. First of all, when animals go extinct, it messes up the natural order of things. The food chain gets messed up, as does the environment around the creature because all animals impact their environment in some way. If that impact on the environment ceases to exist, that will harm other species and make it go extinct. As for the food chain...let's think about the current deer population. We have to have a deer season and make sure we kill them because we've driven out their natural predators. Otherwise, they'll be so abundant that they'll endanger their food sources and therefore end up dieing of starvation, impacting other predators, the land, their source of food really badly. If they go extinct and their predators are still around, the predators will die of starvation and do the same thing that could happen if the deer went extinct. Their food source will become more and more abundant until they eventually die of starvation themselves. Global Warming will cause animals to go extinct, and it will also melt Antarctica as well as Greenland and many other blocks of snow and ice. The water level will rise, putting many places under water, destroying our buildings, killing people and creating more pollution. It will increase the probability that hurricanes will strike and make them more powerful than before, because hurricanes are powered on heat from the ocean.

    Hope this answered your question!

  2. The stability of natural systems on earth is as important as  human life itself. Each and every one of us depend on the continued health of naturally functioning ecosystems and the continuation of healthy biodiversity. We are not separate from, but rather a part of the natural environment. Therefore, as we continue to see the natural environment degrading around us, we will also begin to see the degradation of human life.

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