
How in the heck has Borat O'bama gotten as far as he has without anyone asking about his abilities or quals?

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How in the heck has Borat O'bama gotten as far as he has without anyone asking about his abilities or quals?




  1. Because of the liberal media giving him a vacation and not doing their journalistic duty and investigating and reporting on his past. Whenever something comes up that doesn't look good for him the press will bury it.

    As for John McCain - while is isn't perfect his being a POW showed his character - look at obama's friends that shows his character.

    John McCain has been in Congress for many years and he has proven over and over again that he doesn't vote party lines like so many other people in Congress - he votes for what him and his constituents want no matter how unpopular it is.

    obama didn't even finish one term in the Senate and he thinks he's qualified to be the President - based on what? This isn't a popularity contest this is a job interview - compare resumes and references.

    McCain comes out on top....

    Follow the money trail too - where is obama getting his from?  With large donations a politician then owes large favors to different special interest groups....

    Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who and what you are...

    obama friends :  are radicals and racists - don't we already have enough hate in our country so we don't need to spread it to 1600 Penn ave?

  2. Because he is running one h**l of a smart campaign.  They thought Hillary was unbeatable -- so that says a lot right there.  If he runs his campaign this tight, imagine what he will do when he takes office.  Plus have you considered that Americans are getting sick and tired of the status quo.  You have to admit, Republican and Democrat alike, Washington has been a mess for years.  You might not like Obama, which is understandable with me, but you have to admit, this is a good answer to your question.

  3. I think people have asked, but have been shouted down by the fainting personality cultists.  Just like when a North Korean asks about Kim Jong Il's qualifications.  Well, it's a little different, the North Korean is taken out and shot.  It hasn't gotten that far yet with Obama.

  4. The same way Bush and John McCain got where they are/were. Connections and family ties.

  5. How much does he really need to have more than his opponent's qualifications in being a Viet Nam Vet POW

    (A war started by the diabolical CIA)

  6. I see the political BS is in the military section now.

  7. because he's black.

  8. The Clintons have made it very clear he isn't qualified to be president.  Dems are generally pretty dim.  So they will vote for anyone.  Just look at John Edwards and Bill Clinton.

  9. Because he promises things he can't deliver and most Americans unfortunately don't know much about politics and so they think he can actually do it when infact he is only playing to their emotions.

  10. Abilities and Quals (quals? Is spelling out a whole word too tough?)

    Let's see, you just twice elected an american president who didn't know there were blacks in Brazil. You are supporting a candidate who doesn't know the dif (sic) between sunni and siites, and who obviously has never looked as a map because he has continuously stated that Iraq and Pakistan share a border. You supported a president in the 80's who was a  famous lousy governeor, and who was so addled he couldn't remember whether he fought in WWII or not.

    And you are asking about a democrat's qualifications?

    Get real squeaky!

  11. Pure & simple......sheople. The democrats are made of sheople, from the Michael Moore ilk.

  12. Same way our current president did.

    As in reviewing resumes, a persons future actions can be predicted by what she/he's done in the past. You and all doubters of either candidate can look at their past voting record and their political life to get an idea of what they are most likely to do if they get elected. If America can get beyond appearances and focus on their past experiences, we will all make better decisions in November.

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