
How in the world can there be drugs inside a maximun security jail?

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Is it the own policy making a living on this business?




  1. I work in a maximum security prison on California and all I can tell you is that there are many ways of smuggling drugs in.  Wife's visiting their husbands hide it in their babies diaper then slip it to their husbands (anal balloons or swallow it with a string attached).  I've seen it food the families send in.  This is pretty imaginative.  They have put it in cereal boxes and had them resealed so as not to look opened.  Believe me where there is a will there is a way.  And keep in mind inmates have nothing but time on their hands to think up more imaginative ways.

  2. They are brought in by Corrections staff, also, there are planty of ways people sneak things in.  When I was in prison, one girl was bragging about how she had snuck something in years ago.  She was grossly overweight.  When she was asked how she got crack into the prison, she said "Fat people have hiding places that skinny people don't".  Obviously, she meant she hid it in her fat rolls.

  3. -  Some people bring drugs in balloons and pooping them out in jail and selling them to other inmates.

    -  Its been on the news that people lace greeting cards in LSD and send them to an inmate and he sells the LSD.

    -  Prison guards could smuggle drugs in if they wanted to.

  4. crooked prison guards

  5. The employees of the prison are involved.

    It is not just the guards, there are lots of different groups that work inside a prison.

  6. I have often pondered the same. All I can think of is anal balloons.

  7. The guards bring them in.

  8. There are many ways to get drugs into the jails and prisons.  Luckily most officers know how to find them and they don't get it or are confiscated inside.

    Unfortunately some officers are bad and they have brought drugs in.  Luckily they are of the dumber sort and they are usually caught pretty quick.

    Other than that I have no intention of sharing the other ways to do it!!!!

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