
How in the world can this effect the United States?

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  1. Because they're one of our best allies.  And Georgia is mutual allies with the USA and Israel.  We're not going to let Russia swallow them up.  Russia has orchestrated this 'breakaway' for their agenda.  Georgia is a strategic base in the region.  Georgian troops died fighting in Iraq on the war on terror.

  2. Here are a couple of reasons: Georgia has the third highest troop presence in Iraq (around 2,000). They have recalled their troops from there, back home to fight in the escalating conflict between them and Russia. This potentially means that The U.S. will have to fill that gap, as they have specifically asked the U.S. to assist with that.

    Secondly, an alliance and defense agreement exists between Georgia and the U.S. as the United States already has Marines and civilians posted in Georgia for the purposes of training their military.

    The list goes on, but these are some key factors.

  3. It calls into question the US's policy of self determination, and thus leaves the US open to all sorts of political attacks.

    Put simply, the US has a standing policy that where a substantial and distinct group exists it should have the right to determine it's own path in the world. For example that the Albanians in Kosovo and the Kurds in Iraq should have autonomy, and that the Taiwanese should have an independent existence from Mainland China. Probably the most famous example of this was the post war policy that Britain should give up its empire.

    However, this puts the US in a very difficult position because Georgia is one of the US's few remaining true allies (allies who aren't just in it for the money) in Europe, and the last thing that the US wants to do is to go up to one of its allies and to say "Sorry, but it's our policy that you should give these people autonomy/independence because that's what they are asking for". This would be like going up to Israel, and telling them that they need to clear out of anywhere that Palestinians live.

    The US is in trouble whatever it does. If it says self determination then it's s******g Georgia, if it says no to self determination then its betraying its principles, which will concern other nations that rely on US support for their self determination (Israel, Kosovo, etc).

  4. If this spreads, and the Russia gets a big head about a Soviet ReUnion (see what I did there?) than we could get dragged into another European war, disreguarding what George Washington warned againts for a THIRD time

  5. because usa is engaged in world domination and russia at least in eastern europe domination.

  6. This si HUGE ! The Georgians are our allies and Russia has been orchestrating this since Putin came into power. They want to reestablish the former Soviet Union and Communism.  

  7. I think USA must f$k Georgian president who started this war. And do not pay him any dollar coze it is not good to pay murders

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