
How in the world do i kill myself?

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so, i am in love. i am young, but in love. the person i am in love with has a girlfriend. we hung out tonight, and talked. but i left, crying. and his friend texted me from his phone saying he was about to kill himself. so i went back, and we both laid in the street together waiting for a car to run us over, but all cars went around us. and then my mother was coming to pick me up, so i left. i have been home crying my eyes because of him and i really really really need to know a fast & easy way to die. PLEASE HELP.




  1. If you are sking this question, that it means you are really looking for help, rather then easy death suggestions.

    You must be pretty young to want to kill yourself because of this guy. People have much harder situation and trying to keep it together.

    It is hard being in love and having that other person love you back. VERY hard. Believe me I know and many of us went through this lots of times. Try to calm down and think rationally - even though its hard to do when you're in love. Maybe you can ask God for help and guidance. Say a prayer and try to go to sleep.  

  2. Hold on. Things will get better. You have your whole life to live.  

  3. Attention much. Look killing yourself is a cowards way out. It's also not funny to joke about it. Life moves on so stop being way to dramatic. Plus you should be helping your friend insead of telling him its ok to kill himself.  

  4. Never EVER kill yourself over anything- especially a boy. What you need is a good heart-to-heart and a hug. Not a plan for suicide.

  5. You think you are in pain now?  Suicides go straight to h**l.  

    In case you dont know what h**l is i will paint a picture.   Imagine being in a jail cell, but the floor and the walls are made of electric burners like on your stove.  You are completely naked there and there is no where to get relief from the ground and the air burning your skin, except your skin doesnt burn because its just your spirit...the pain never stops and you are there forever.

    Still want to die?    Only a fool would.

  6. hey there so many more guys out there why kill yourself for one guy that gets to lose the chance to be with you that his loss not yours besides there is probably a guy out there that already likes you but he is probably too shy to ask you out or tell you he does so be patient and you will be alright besides the guy isn't married to the girl there just going out maybe they;ll break up as well so be patient.

  7. dont kill yoursellf. you'll regret it and  theres no take backs

  8. Wow im not sure if this is a joke but it sounds like you need help.

  9. Once you kill yourself you can never come back. Picture how much you'll miss how much people will miss you. Is it really worth it over a guy. If he doesn't want you **** him you can do better. But everyone deserves to live what would killing yourself do. You still won't get him in life or after life. Boys are dumb when they are young. Don't kill yourself please. See think about it there will be many boys and many people that will love you. That are cuter and nicer and better than this guy but to kill yourself will only make people sad. Please I know you don't know me but I'm asking you to give this life another chance. Plus your young you won't be able to do anything once your died. Trust me life goes on. Why kill yourself anyway and this boy doesn't care about you cause if he did he wouldn't let you kill yourself. Just leave him alone because trust me if he going let you kill yourself he has no heart at all. You deserve so much more. I think help is what you need because killing yourself won't help anything.

  10. I think its a really bad idea to kill yourself. But if thats what you want for yourself then do something that isnt going to be painfull...and if you do kill yourself you WILL regret it.

  11. Wow, no offense but that is a stupid to kill yourself. Teenage Romances are a dime a dozen.

    Anyway, if you are going to kill yourself than leave your car running in the garage and the fumes will kill you if you wait long enough.  

  12. stop bein a whinny little *****.

    is this a joke?

    you wont do it, baby.

    suck it up, life sucks sometimes.

    but that doesnt mean u need to be a complete dumb ***! wow.  

  13. Get him to dump his girlfriend if you two really want to be together.

    If you both love each other and both want to die for each other just get together. Dont kill yourself, go out with him.  

  14. Suicide isn't the answer!No boy is worth dying for.You can date him once him and his girlfriend break up just don't be the cause for them breaking up.Don't kay in the street,it's dangerous.I know that you know that but it's very dangerous.You are meant to live.Pray to GOD and ask Him to take the impulse to kill yourself away.All murderers go to h**l.Suicide isn't worth it.Pray to GOD because He created you and loves and cares about you too.You'll get over this boy that you have strong feelings for,trust me.Listen to some constructive music such as Switchfoot or Jon Foreman.Watch constructive television shows such as the inspiration channel.Read a good book.Talk to your parent or a good friend.Please do not kill yourself!I hope that I helped you realize that you shouldn't kill yourself.Learn to enjoy your life and stop being so negative about things.You have so much more to live for.GOD BLESS you!

  15. By staying on the path you are following now. Come on is some guy really worth that?  Absolutely not. Please go talk to your mom or someone else you trust and tell them your feelings. You need help getting past this and you will. You will be in my prayers.

  16. Suicide isn't the answer. Remember, it's only a feeling. Once in a while, people feel that way about themselves. It's not worth it. If you can't fight the feeling, you need therapy.

  17. You know once you you die you can't come back. So, stop being selfish and stay alive for one more day. You will find that the stuff you want to die over now isn't nothing. A fast and easy way to live, however is to take life as it comes and try to be strong. we can all die, but living is the hard part.

    Cassie, taking alcohol with pills only makes the person retch and vomit, which is a painful death.

  18. If you are dead you will never experience the love of getting married, having children, chocolate cake, great s*x with your husband, etc..

    Life is awesome. And oh yeah, go see a doctor.

  19. dont do it its not worth not one to give sympanthy for the ignorance of youth love even though im 13 i know what love feels like do not do it if you really truley love him why in the world would you end your life and not get to spend it with him seriously get your priorties straight dont do it and if he was willing to commit suiside with u he must have feelings for you but then again if he was going to commit suicide then something must be hard in his life show him comfort and support and surly if he's in any right mind he'll surly fall for it and think about what you woud leave behind seriously just think.......  

  20. Are you CRAZY?

    There's no need to go all insane because some guy has  a girlfriend already. Stop and think. He could dump his girlfriend and then he could be all yours. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe this guy is a total jerk. Or not. But don't forget, he could dump his girlfriend. And he probably will. If you kill yourself then you'll NEVER get him. Wouldn't that be a waste?

  21. dont kill yourself. there are soo many things to live for. things might work out with this guy in a little while. just give it time. any guy isnt worth dying over. you need to talk to your friends and / or an adult you trust about this. they wont be mad, they'll just want to help you.

    dont kill yourself because think of all the people in this world that need you. the guy you love, your parents, siblings, cousins, friends, animals, and people who are in love with you. plus, if you kill yourself, you'll never get to experience going on dates, being loved by someone, learning to drive,going to college, getting married, getting a job, and having a family. you really need to think this through, because once you kill yourself, your done. no one should ever kill themself. good luck!

    and "beautiful love" is right about this : dying is a way out of problems someone isnt strong enough to face.

  22. I don't see the reason for wanting to die.  If you are serious about suicide you need to get help.  Please Get Help!  Talk to your mom, call the police, or get someone to take you to the ER..  Please don't kill yourself over a feeling that might change tomorrow.

  23. May I please ask why?  From your note, I not sure if I know why.

    I would like to help you if I can.

  24. Find train tracks to lay out on. Cut yourself straight in half.

    Or like, don't.

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