
How individual can help the less fortunate people?

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How individual can help the less fortunate people?




  1. Well it depends to some degree what your trying to accomplish. You can always start small by trying to find out what volunteer efforts are going on near your home (in many cases probably community centers or churches might have flyers or things that talk about upcoming events you could help out at.

    On the charity level you can always find a way to donate to your favorite causes, especially if you can research different organizations and find the ones that you think are most specific to the causes you find most pressing.

    No matter what you choose, living in a time when communication via the internet makes things so easy, there is more opportunity perhaps than ever to get involved. If theres an issue you care about, its easy to get the world out and get people informed (as best as you can) about issues that you think matter. You can join advocacy groups and get involved in the local, regional, national or even international efforts to make the world a better place. Furthermore, its pretty easy to find places to help, you can just google search the things your interested in and you will likely be rewarded with a number of different options.

    There are a lot of ways to get involved if youd like, you just have to find the level of involvement and the issues that really matter to you, and blend those things together.

  2. If you think that you can help less fortunate people, you believe that you are fortunate. Persons are fortunate because circumstances are helped them. Therefore, if you are fortunate for instance because your parents teach you how to study in an effective way, you can help others students teaching how to study. Other example is you are fortunate because men feel attraction for you, you can explain to a friend how to be more attractive. My advice is give up what you have received.

    In your life not all have been easy, perhaps in certain circumstances people who could help you,

    closed their eyes to your problems. As you are fortunate when you observe people in the same circumstances than you, instead to close your eyes, you offer your help.

  3. That is exactly what I want to do in Cleveland. lol....

    What I see as a definite tool in helping people is re-socialization and socializing children early on.

    What I mean by that is changing how adults see the world around them and making sure their children see the world in a specific way. This happens naturally when new ideas become popular: Once forced segregation became illegal, children born after that considered it normal for a black child and white child to sit next to each other on the bus. They have no reason to think that they can't sit next to each other, because the socializing factor was removed.

    Agents of socialzation are family, school, culture, peers, media and authority. Most programs that try to change people's thinking are weakly designed and only meant to affect one of these agents for a limited amount of time.


    When Hitler re-socialized Germany, he hit all these marks.

    When the army re-socializes you into a soldier, they hit all these marks.

    When the slave owners re-socialized farmers, scholars, nobles and warriors into slaves, they hit all these marks.

    I say, learn from these people. If you want gangsta rap to be removed from a neighborhood, you don't just tell the kiddies that it is bad. You form a coaliliton of parents who will pledge to destroy all gangsta rap in their houses, you will ask them to boycott the radio stations and tv channels that play it, you will provide alternatives to quenish the reasons they turned to gangsta rap in the first place: respect for money-making Black men which they rarely see in their own hood, musical creativity and individuality. And you will give the kids all the reasons they will ever need to hate gangsta rap: the sales fund narcotics, the rappers don't invest in their hoods, they disrespect women, they kill each other, they are racist.....

    And this will not be a program. This will be re-socializing a group to have a new paradigm on life, or atleast gangsta rap.


    I love sociology.....

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