
How infra red rays enter earth?

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How infra red rays enter earth?




  1. where our ozone layer has been destroyed, on the antartica, there is a big hole in the ozone llayer has been occured due to human error, due to lot of pollution, by which infrared rays  are entering the ozone layer and making it big and big, which will destroy our glasiars

  2. While some infrared rays from the sun do enter the Earth the Global Warming problems comes from visible light energy coming through the atmosphere and striking the Earth.  The visible light is absorbed by the ground and by the plants, etc. and they heat up.

    What happens then is that the warm soil and plants radiate infrared energy and  the wavelength of radiation is such that the atmosphere doesn't allow the infrared energy to go back into space.  The energy is trapped and the Earth heats up more than is should.

  3. infra red rays come from the sun,these rays are very dangerous as they

    they cause different types of  skin cancers these penetrate deep into the earth surface ,the only thing which can protect us from the harmful  effects of infra red radiations is the ozone layer which is acting like a protective blanket of the earth now a days this layer is getting damaged due to human activities .The chloro fluoro carbons released from refrigerators enter the upper layers of atmosphere there by recting with the ozone breaking it into a free radical of oxygen .

  4. refrigerators give out sum harmful radiations through which infra red rays enter earth

  5. infra red rays enter the earth with sun light.the human from making electricity products ( refrigreated ,factories) rays can do some shakes in earth. then rays are entered in earth which is very dangerios for man  

  6. The exact same way that light "rays" do.  Infrared is just a longer wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum than "visible light."  There are a few things in our atmosphere that r****d this process (o3), but if zero infrared (from the sun) reached the earth, the only heat source on this planet would be from the core...  and earth would be a very cold place.


    Many of your answerers are confusing the infrared with the ultraviolet.  You might want to do a little bit of research on both of them, before memorising some of the answers you are geting.

  7. I agree with Dave, And as for some others, you are confusing infrared with UV our Ozone blocks those as well as other harmful radiation,

    And Infra red rays enter directly but water vapour such as clouds and fog can reduce you feeling them on your skin.

    Low-E  glass filters out infrared and UV to a certain extent.

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