
How intelligent are we?

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How intelligent are we?




  1. We're probably the most intelligent life forms on earth, but I highly doubt we can ever reach that ultimate intelligence. We need an outward force (God) to extend our intelligence someday. We're probably super-intelligent, since we've got an unconscious, and we don't know it.

  2. Look around at what we have done to this world, to relationships, to ourselves.  We are dumber than a box of rocks.

  3. half intelligent as we could be.

  4. Advanced compared to all other life forms on this planet

  5. The intellingence of a group would be an average.  The average IQ in the USA is set at 100.

  6. Smarter than George W. Bush

  7. intelligences... my level is somewher but it is no where...

    meaning i am at a level of intelligence somewhere on a scale but it is nowhere compared to the amount that can be learned...

  8. Not very intelligent at all.

    Some of us have acquired some knowledge, but even with education, we are more like trained animals.

    Have you ever listened to politicians? Have you ever listened to how advertising is geared for the dull normal?

    Mankind has been trying to convince itself of it's intelligence for years. First we were the only critter that used tools -- until we discovered a sea otter banging a shell on a rock to crack it. Then we were the only critter that fashions tools -- until we saw an ape strip the leaves and small twigs from a branch and stick it into a termite mound like a fishing pole. Then we were the only one critter with a language -- until we started listening and observing dolphins... even elephants. And, not only did they have languages, but they could learn to interpret back and forth into human words... something we couldn't do. At least we were the only critter that was "self aware" (a nebulous psycho-babble term) -- until we found other animals were self aware, had personal preferences, and seemed to meet any other criteria we tried to add.

    We're not the smartest critter on the planet. We're just the meanest. Any other critter gets in our way, we just kill it.

  9. So intelligent that God Himself proclaimed that if we are talking all in one language then soon "nothing will be impossible for man". That was at the tower of Babel. So He threw confusion upon the builders and they left not understanding one another.

    That was thousands and thousands of years ago and today we are quickly coming to the understanding of one language. "Mathematics".

    Every brain of note in every nation of the world understands this one language, and judging by the accomplishments we have attained since the first atomic bomb? Man we are going so far into the intelligent realms of our imaginations that it is coming to the point again ... that soon, nothing will be impossible to us!

    That's how intelligent we are.........

  10. "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."

  11. well,

    you're on yahoo answers asking a totally irrelevant question about your intelligence.  my best bet would be to say that you are borderline retarded but chances are you're halfway functional to the point where nobody can really tell.  as long as your not drooling on your shirt or crapping your pants you should be okay...

    good luck with life

  12. the only way to measure is to compare to animals. you could ask yourself, what if i was left alone in the bush, what technology would i have? well only the things you would invent yourself. most of what we know comes from others, either people from now or the books from generations before us.

    from an evolutionary standpoint, you can see that we no longer evolve as animals do. in order to evolve as a smart specie, it needed to happen that being less intelligent would cause you to die before re-producing. but this is not the case anymore. the human society protects all of its parts. we don't evolve to grow fur so we can live in winter climates, we invent warm clothes and heaters. so once you get as smart as we are you no longer evolve to be smarter, not as a specie at least, though through selective preference perhaps split into different species.

    so then we are just smart enough to invent stuff and have technology.

    and that is not much smarter than apes. very few humans are responsible for the discoveries that allow for us to have technology. and they are spread out over time. over generations.

    but we are able to share their progress from one human to another, from one generation to another, because we have language both written and spoken.

    so how smart are we as a specie? just barely smart enough to be able to use complex language. the fact we have so much technology misleads us into thinking we are smarter than we are because the feat is mostly the work of language and time, not of the intelligence of individuals. just like if you were born alone in the woods to grow up you wouldn't know how to make fire, you wouldn't know about gravity, that the stars are stars, the moon the moon. you wouldn't know about protein, calories, how to hunt, how to build tools, that one day you will die, how to make a boat, basically you wouldn't know anything. you would look just like an ape to an outside observer.

    even einstein in such a situation could only invent so much from completely scratch.

  13. intelligent enough for most of us to think we evolved from apes.

  14. We fall with in a range and not exact but its a related term.

    IQ is just short of   ..........

    It has evolved for selection through ....  MQ .... EQ ....  till SQ .. spiritual quotient.    That leads to three dimensional.

    We not only Intelligent Animal but also, Social and Rational Animal.

    Most important is to control our basic instinct.  This will judge our intellect and help to reach SQ.

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