
How involved is your partner in your pregnancy?

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I am not dating the father and I am 12 weeks pregnant. How involved are your partners in the pregnancy? Do you try to have them involved by telling them whats going on? Do they go to every appt? Advice and experiences appreciated! :-)




  1. Regardless if your with the baby's daddy you should give him the chance to be there as much as he wants and your comfortable with. You might be the one carrying the baby, but the babes part of him to. My Husband would be devastated if i didn't share our sons growth with him.  He when to every appointment and alter-sound with our son. It depends on how much you want him there also.

    It also might bring you guys closer together as parents and friends.

    If it was me, i would take him to my alter-sounds and let him hear baby's heart beat.  I remember my husbands face soon as he seen the baby in alter-sound and heard the heart beat, that's what made it real for him.

  2. My husband couldnt be. We lived 2 1/2 hours apart and he could only come home on the weekend. I want him to be much more involved with the next one. I just old him about what ever happened that the best i could do. Good luck

  3. I tell my boyfriend about all that happens when i went to the doctor and all that jazz that has to do with the baby.No,my boyfriend hasnt gone to a doctor appointment with me.Ive only had one but i get another one done to find out the s*x but i dont think he'll be there.Sometimes he lilstens to my stomach and rubs my belly.

  4. my boyfriend and i broke up when i was pregnant with my son, i pretty much only talked to him or would take his calls to talk about getting major furniture for the baby and major developments in the pregnancy. he went to the ultrasound, for example, but he did not go to my doctors appointments. at the end of the pregnancy we ended up working it out, it was kinda a bummer for him he never got to feel the baby move in my tummy.

    this time we are together still and if he has to work for my appointment time, i change it. he goes to everything and knows every ache and pain. lol and gets to feel the baby move.

    basically with the father not being with you, tell him as much as your comfortable with and as much as he wants to hear. its still your body and you don't want to add stress to the pregnancy by seeing him once a month, if you don't want to, ya know? but i felt my bf (ex at time) deserved to see the ultrasound, and be at the birth. i don't have much advice because i don't know your situation or the father, and that determines a great deal in considering whats right and wrong when kids become involved.

    i just hope the best for you and i hope that even if you can't be together that you can live amicably enough to raise a child together but separately.  

  5. I'm still very early along and while my husband is excited I don't think that he quite understands what is happening yet.  He went to the Dr. and was excited to see the ultrasound, but aside from that since there isn't a real belly yet I think it is kind of hard for him to get more involved.  I'm looking forward to the day where he touches my belly and talks to the baby - and if I'm lucky makes me dinner! lol

  6. My fiance is so in love with our little girl and we haven't even met her yet :) He admires my stomach and I truly love the attention from him :) He tries to make it to every appointment, but it's so hard since he's travelling back and forth from one end of the country to the other, every 2 months.

    congrats on your pregnancy

  7. Anyone who has their husband around is very lucky. Mine is overseas with the Army and can't be here for any of it. I send him pictures and do everything I can do to keep him involved but it really sucks sometimes. But I was in the military so I understand his duty comes first. If he was here he would be all over everything lol. He is so excited for our little man to get here soon. The guys in his unit and battalion have a bet going on when I will pop! it so cute. ;-)

  8. While he doesn't come to the appointments (theres not much to do, unless he wants to watch me pee in a cup and get my blood pressure measured), he is very involved.

    He asks me all the time how the baby is. And he kisses my belly every night before I go home. He loves to put his hands there and wait to feel a kick.

    He'll text me while he's working to make sure the baby is kicking.

    And he will be there with me at the hospital when I give birth.

  9. My husband wishes he could be more involved but unfortunately his job causes him to travel and be away a lot. He is trying to get all the travelling out of the way now so that when my daugther comes, he can be in her life. I try and include him by sending belly pictures and stories of things that are happening and such as well as inviting him to ultrasounds and appointments when he is home or has a chance of being able to be there.  

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