
How is 'Copenhagen' pronounced is it 'Copen HAY gen' or Copen HAR gen'?

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To Kayleigh I'm from Workington & I don't pronounce H's either lol BTW congrats to Hull City reaching the premiership hope they stay there




  1. well, i'm half danish and go there all the time.

    in english it is pronounced as Copen HAY gen.

  2. all those other awnsers are wrong, in the danish language you spell it    københavn  and i'm pretty sure its pronounced (koe- eh -ben-hah-vuhn) and in english it is copenhagen or

    ( koe-pen-hay-gen)

  3. To say Ko pen HAY gen  is the anglicised version.

    Ko pen HAH gen is the Euro version.

    "Kewp'm hown" is the Danish way.

  4. This question didn't actually arise until Danny Kaye sang the song "Wonderful, wonderful, Copenhagen" in the film "Hans Christian Andersen" and pronouced it "Copen-har-gen."

  5. Neither I would say,Kobenhavn( my keyboard is American,so I do not have the slash through the "O" )  My Husband is Danish so....Anyways, you would pronounce it as such..Koe-ben-hown

    the.....KOE,as in TOE,BEN as in the name Ben,and HOWN as in town,KOE-Ben-Hown/Kobehavn.When amongst Danes,pronounce it as it should be,in Danish,even if it is not perfect,think they would love that you tried.  I hope this helps you ;)

  6. If you hear a Danish person, they will call it by its real name, which sounds something like "Koernhahn" (don't quote me on that but it sounds nothing like you would expect), so I really don't think it matters how we say it.

    Most non Danish people seem to say "HAY".

  7. In Danish its København, which spelled sort of phonetically is Koob-en-HOUN.

    As for English, as far as I can tell the difference is between American English and British English.

    In American English it's COPE-en-hahgen or Cope-en-HAHGEN (The latter being the closest to the Danish pronunciation).

    In British English its COPE-en-haygen or Cope-en-HAYGEN.

    In Denmark most people learn British English, as does the rest of Europe, and all advertisments are also in British English, so Danes speaking English will almost always pronounce it COPE-en-haygen, in spite of that being the form that bears the least resemblence to the Danish. Most Danes I know will tell you the American form sounds strange, and I agree. But my American friends think the British form sounds strange. It all depends on what you're used to.

  8. I say hay, Well ay...Im from Hull and we tend not to pronounce our H's.

  9. yes copen hay gen is right

  10. Cope - n - hay - gen

    "har" is for people who think Copenhagen is some place in Germany... peopele who confuse danish/dutch/deutsch

  11. Hay... in  Britain.

  12. Coop un har gun

    i think. lol

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