
How is 9th grade is it hard or easy?

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How is 9th grade is it hard or easy?




  1. just finished my freshmen year of HS =] it wasnt hard at all. some days i had a lot of work but 95% of the time it wasnt bad. its a transition but an amazing transition..u become friends with MANY new people including upperclass men which is great...however a lot of friend drama will most likely occur due to the big new change of environment and stuff

  2. 9th grade is a big transition from middle school.  However, I didn't think it was that difficult.  You will have more responsibility and teachers will rely on you to take charge of yourself and your homework.

  3. it is very very very difficult

  4. trust me, 9th grade is the easiest year of high school!

  5. im a junior now

    my ninth grade was awsome

    it depends on how you make it

    join clubs and things you like to do

    homework can be a lil challenging but no biggy

    have fun you freshman year dont like anyone get you down

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