
How is Britain better than others?

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How is Britain better than others?




  1. Britain is not better than others, although it depends which others you mean. A patriot would say it's better than others, but Britain is sadly lacking in some things.

  2. i don't think its better than others because of all the immigrants it was better than all the rest but the flood of immigrants has just made our GREAT COUNTRY A COMPLETE s##thole and the most depressing place on earth.

  3. better at what exactly? can you elaborate so we can answer you

  4. I don't believe it is.

  5. it's not

  6. free health care  , elections, free speech, rights for women and children it is *very difficult * to die of starvation in Britain .Britain is not perfect but a lot better than some countries

  7. I am English and I do not claim that we are 'better' than anyone because to do that would be very ' Un English.' not to mention arrogant and rude!

    If you mean are our Royals 'better' than other nations then can say without hesitation they certainly cost us more than other European royals do per head! Are they 'better'? Well they are more entertaining than most royal families!

    Great Britain has given the world many things: the toilet, the telephone (Bell was a Scot. by birth), the fire brigade (invented after the 1666 Great fire of London), the police force, the stamp, cricket, rugby, UK football (all of which we lose at constantly but hey at least we invented the games we are unable to win!) and the post office. Stephensons rocket was the first train which went London to Brighton! Oh and the worlds first subway the London underground. (The tube)

    We were the first country to become a republic with a Lord protector (Oliver Cromwell) instead of a King (who we beheaded after the English civil war in 1649.) We then rejected Republicanism and returned to having Kings and Queens.

    We rejected slavery first! This is something I am proud of because slavery is evil. We accept more refugees than Australia and the United States put together. We abolished the death penalty before any other European nation did. We have very busy and full prisons!

    We stood alone in world war II for two years until Japan attacked pearl harbor. A big thank you for helping by the way you saved our bacon and it has not been forgotten.

    English is the second most spoken language in the world not bad for a tiny country the size of Pennsylvania. (the first is Chinese)

    Our hospitals and Doctors are paid by our taxes so feel totally free,there are no banking charges like in the US we only pay the banks if we overdraw and use the banks money. We can still get free dentistry (if you live in the 'right place.') Our army, navy and air force are the the best trained in the world (I have to say this as my brother is in Afghanistan fighting for freedom as I write!) You of course have the very best equipment and some very good servicemen and women.

    Our police officers do not carry guns. MI5 is second to none when it comes to protecting us against terror. Thanks Mr Bond!

    I am very proud of being English/British but there are other great nations too, Ireland (I have to love them  because I have never met an Irishman who did not make me laugh!), Canada, (Inventing maple syrup beats inventing the police force any day! I would put that on my flag too!), Australia (just because its so very beautiful.) and the USA land of the free and the brave! Thanks for the bagels, dough nuts and the hot dogs Yum!

    Our airports are the busiest in the world  and this is because its always raining and we need some sunshine!

    We are not 'better' than anyone but we are not too bad either.

  8. Only in their own minds, and really, only up until about two or three generations ago.  The people of Britain are better than others only in their warmth.

  9. First, you have to ask the question without the word "how".

  10. Do you mean the Royal Family? I think that they receive more press attention than the others because they understand the art of pageantry,with Trooping the Colour,Opening of Parliament,et cetera.

  11. ---quirky, understated English humor

    ---mustard growing in the English countryside in the spring

    ---English Common Law

    ---Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen, Milton, Wordsworth, . . .

    ---the London Underground

    ---The Reading Room of the British Museum

  12. Why should it be?

    Is there a contest?

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