
How is Dairy Farming Manufactured?

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how is milk manufactured?




  1. Milk is extracted by machine in most of America, and is then filtered and cooled to close to 0C, stored at that temperature until it is transported to a dairy plant.

    Most dairy plants will separate cream and milk, and pasteurize both with heat. Cream is then re-added to the milk to accomplish a precise content of fat. then the milk is bottled.

    For what is called a manufactured milk, all of the water is extracted from the milk, or a lot of water is removed, so that it can be stored for a prolonged period.

    The process for evaporation changes the flavor of milk, enough that many who have become accustomed to fresh milk will not touch manufactured milk.

    An alternative to making manufactured milk, some milk is converted by  souring into cheese curd. The curd then may become 'cottage cheese' or it may be compressed further, flavored and aged to form many different cheeses.

  2. What exactly do you mean by "manufactured"?

  3. If you are referring to dairy farming methods that are factory farming at intensive large scale then in short, huge numbers of cows are kept and fed in large scale barn building where they are maintained in a semi automated facility managed by a small number of people. Cows are kept lactating (producing milk) frequently by artificial insemination when individual production levels drop off (though this is frequently not always necessary). For the most part milk production begins with, or just before, the birth of a calf though it can also be done by hormone injections I understand. Milking is done by machine that is serviced by people. Calves produced can be kept for dairy, sold to be raised for meat, or sent out to veal which is done by keeping calves in limited mobility, feeding them a formula to keep them anemic (and the meat thereby lightly colored) and slaughtered while still very young. You can see why there is a poor reputation by some in this form of dairy industry as there is little respect for the animals beyond production and the bottom line.

  4. It isn't manufactured it is managed. You buy a lot of land, and a lot of equipment and a lot of cows and a few bulls. You get  the cows pregnant, sell the calves they produce or add them to your stock. Wean the calves off of the milk and take the milk from the cows in a milking barn twice a day. Then you process the milk and cream products or sell them to a processor. Repeat until the cow is not longer productive and then sell the cow for meat.

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