
How is Diet Coke Bad for you??

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I don't buy the lame reason I've heard repeated over && over again: You'll eat more because you think you've been "good" by drinking something diet (i.e. burger large fries && a DIET Coke...)

But is it ACTUALLY unhealthy?? Is there a responsible way to drink it??




  1. Don't drink Coke in any way.  Coke eats the lining of your stomach.  Yellows your teeth too!

    As a nurse I used to unclog feeding g-tubes!  I have heard it will also clean battery acid off of the battery.

    All it does is fill you up with air and empty non-nutritional calories.  

  2. Anyway you put it, Diet Coke is not even a decently healthy drink and elimination of it will have numerous positive affects on your health, both noticable and unnoticable. The artificial sugar and sweeteners give your metabolism a rough time, and that obviously makes weight loss impossible (if not causing you to gain weight.) Cutting it out along with other sodas and arftificial bevereges will likely show results, of course if generally healthy eating and exercise is practiced daily.

  3. Any soda can be harmful to your kidneys because of the caffeine. Not to mention the carbonation.

    The artificial sweetener makes you body think it is glucose when it isn't so your body sends out messages to release insulin. So you are left with  insulin and not enough food to cover it and thus you get hungry and end up eating more to combat the insulin.

  4. same as below

  5. there is aspertame in diet coke which is worse than sugar actually and then people eat more because they think it has 0 calories

  6. It is bad for your teeth and will make them rotten. If you drink too much you will be a diabetic.

  7. Soda is bad for you regardless of their caloric content.

    One, it wears away on your enamel overtime.

    Two, aspartame is an ingredient in most, if not all, artificially sweetened food or drink--Diet Coke uses it. Studies have shown that aspartame is linked to cancer.

    Three, I don't know why I'm typing out the numbers.

    Four, our bodies are now actually recognizing that artificial sweeteners sweeten drinks just as real sugars do. So over time, your body will recognize it and treat it as if it was REAL sugar--which means that you would be healthier chugging down regular Coke than Diet Coke. And yes, this has been scientifically proven.

    Five, what you said is true. We have this false sense of safety when we drink something diet or eat something fat-free. We think that we can consume the calories that we didn't consume by eating those foods or drinks, but in reality, instead of "making up" for those calories, we eat more than the calories we didn't eat or drink.

    Most health nuts would tell you to avoid sodas because ultimately, it's not healthy for you. But if you must have soda, one soda per week should be the max.  

  8. There are negative health effects that have been linked to aspartame. so drinking a lot of diet soda may be harmful. But like anything else it's all about moderation. If you drink a small amount it likely won't give you any trouble.

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