
How is Fortaleza city different from Copacabana-Rio?

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I was wondering how is Fortaleza different from Copacabana like at night as well. Now I've been to Copacabana and at night when I either walk or am a sleep in my rented apartment all I hear mostly is cars going bye and people watching Futbol in bars down below my apartment and the clashes of empty beer bottles getting tossed. Also Copabana has a foul order I just can figure out what it is yet. So yeah if anyone can tell me how different Fortaleza is from Rio from what I typed I would greatly appreciate it oh also I would like to stay somewere close to a nice popular beach in Fortaleza thanks for any info.




  1. Absolutely!

    Rio is a charming city, but with some sophisticated habits. Fortaleza is a kind of "easy place" to live. It is another coastal city as Rio, but it is quite safe (of course if you carry less valuables as you can and try to stay in the most touristic areas).

    Fortaleza has the rain season from January to July and the arid one from August to December, but I had a Reveillon time there before and there was no rain as we expected.

    I was in a apartament in VOLTA DA JUREMA, that I recommend for everyone because it is safe and easy to go anywhere.

  2. Well, I'm from Rio, have been to Fortaleza once on my way to Fernando de Noronha, but I didn't get to see anything as I would've liked to... I've always heard that the beaches in Fortaleza are beautiful but the place is very dangerous. So, just be extra careful and good luck!

  3. It doesn't have the girl from Ipanina.

  4. sure

  5. Copacabana is so better

    The beach, the people, the girls, surf, restraunts, hotels.

    Guaraná, cocount, açai, food.

    Ipanema, Copacabana, redeemer christ, soaf loaf.

    The mall (Barra Mall), the stores, Tijuca Forest.


  6. Generally speaking, Fortaleza is cheaper and slightly safer then Rio.  Fortaleza is a growing tourist destination, but because it is harder to get to from the US (no direct flights), most tourists are European.  

    It is the capital city of Ceara which is one of the poorer states in Brasil, and many people outside of the Northeast do not look favorably on the region, but I have found the people to be very nice and there are great restaurants and shopping.  

    There is more un-spoiled beach in the fortaleza area and nice hotels/pousadas are very cheap (Praia do Futuro, Canoa Quebrada are 2 examples).  

    Food and other costs are also less than Rio.  There are fewer English-speaking people in Fortaleza, but all the major hotels have English-speaking staff.  

    If you do not have someone with you who speaks at least some Portuguese, you will probably have an easier time in Rio.

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