
How is GADDEL - Gaddel - Gaddel - Gaddels Reputation?

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Seek out my posts here. The rule have changed in the company. They are lying now. They are delaying peoples monies. If you do not believe me, ask your rep for the names of 5 people who have closed on their property. Then call each name there. As them if they have been paid in FULL. Ask them if they received their FULL money once closed. Ask them if they felt uneasy to ask for their money. Ask them if they were told, "well it's not what you expected but you invested $1000. Where else can you go to get $35,000 on a $1000 investment?" Typical bull salesmanship. All given by the boss. If you don't know her, it is LM.




  1. FACT: biglittleone25 is Albie Delgado, lover of owner, Liz Morice AND sales manager who still believes the FBI hit is a witch hunt

    FACT: Albie Delgado continues to LIE to anyone who will listen saying you will get your MONEY BACK

    FACT: I am the President Albie Delgado slanders in his accusations. I am Bill Stettler III, former VP he notes

    FACT: I will not give name of my friend, the President without his authorization.

    FACT: President and I did our own research/investigation of Liz Morice/ owner and found damaging, damaging information of what we believed was criminal in nature.

    FACT: the President from the Dominican Republic DID CLOSE an Account that LIZ had access to and the ability to spend at her will.

    FACT: the monies are locked in an Account, the GOV't is aware and the PRESIDENT is under orders to "lock the monies down". He CHOOSe to freeze to protect what little is there.

    FACT: there are 2 other accounts that LIZ MORICE will attempt to access TOMORROW MORNING when the banks open to again, SPEND at her will.

    FACT: NEITHER of those 2 accounts belong to her, but to 2 OTHERS and she will STILL ATTEMPT to access them.

    FACT: this is a battle of GOOD vs EVIL.

    FACT: Challenge me on anything I have stated.

    FACT: Ask Albie any credible question like has he seen ONE PROPERTY that has bee sold, met 1 Attorney who did closing, met the Title Insurance Co, seen 1 HUD from a sale.

    FACT: He will tell you NO

    FACT: He will tell you Liz did not, could not, will not, deflected to answer any question.

    FACT: I do drive a $140,000 car

    FACT: I WILL LOSE it within 7 Days as the monies I thought were real thru this process never materialized.

    FACT: I am fully accessible with truth, honesty and answers.

    FACT: Ask same of Albie.

    FACT: My email address is

    FACT: My atty will kick my *** for saying all this but I am a character person, and believe someone needs to tell the truth to the masses being lied to.

  2. I  invested also. I found out about the raid by the internet,  then I called around and it was confirmed. I wanted this investment to be true and I ignored a lot of things that did not make sense.  I sent a certified letter to Gaddel today requesting a refund, so I can have documentation that I requested.

  3. Sounds like a ponzie scam.   The trickle of money to get people with influence to bring in additional people...big fancy parties...big fancy all plays on our greed

    now they will do to each other what they have done to us to keep themselves out of jail.  I hope they get the guilty without anymore of the victims being hurt.

    But, many lives and reputations ruined by There deceit and by our own greed.

    I hope they get theirs because we sure got ours

  4. Some one asked if they have seen Jerold Prather , I have and I had no problem finding him ! He answered the phone as soon as I called . So I suggest get the facts straight , every question he answered for me and has always returned my calls . That sounds like a stand up guy to me !!!! Maybe he doesnt like you . I have been speeking to him since Wed so he can`t be in jail !!!! All I`m saying is try again

  5. Has anyone been able to get a hold of anyone at Gaddel Inc. We were in contact with sales manager Albie Delgado aka Biglittleone25 2 Friday's ago and he stated that 2 of my investments were being fought over by 2 separate company's and that he wanted us to call him back this past Friday. We had brought several people in on this and they have been trying to get a hold of him as well. We received word that although office was raid on Wednesday Gaddel Inc. would be up and running. To no avail we have not been able to get a hold of Albie Delgado or anybody at the office, How ever when I heard that Gaddel Inc. was raided and I could not get a hold of anyone from Gaddel to find out what is going on. I figured that I try the former V.P. and guess what he is the only one that I was able to get a hold of. So if this is not a scam then where in H_ LL are those who state that Gaddel will be open for business as usual come Monday July 29,2007

  6. How dare you say things that you are not positive about?? I can name you 5 people that has gotten their money... Everyone is playing the game telephone;  You start the game with a certain rumor and whenever it gets to the last person, it aways comes back totally different...Stop playing these games people!!! It's called patience, TRY IT!!!

  7. Anyone heard from Jerold Prather?  He seems to be MIA since Wednesday...wait, isn't that when they got 'visited'?

  8. Well, I invested and have not heard anything from anyone. But a lot of my co-workers invested as well. And they are all Security Guards or in Law Enforcement. Hopefully if this whole thing is a scam we can start some kind of Civil Lawsuit. Who's with me??

  9. I used to be a big fan of this company 7.5 months ago but I agree with RT.  It seems as if everyone only knows one or 2 people that were every paid and even that person was paid lower then expected. I am in for 4 properties and have not heard of a single person being paid in the past 4 months.  What happened to the 6-9 month window?  Wouldn't you think at least one person you know would have a property close early?  All of you dreamers out there start facing reality and avoid this situation. I can guarantee all of positive comments are from the Gaddel staff members.  Word on the street is they are being investigated by none other then the Federal Bureau of Intimidation.  Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Come on people - are you kidding! This has all been a scam from the start!  We all just wanted to believe in a dream come true.  What I don't understand is how LM could so completley lie straight into your face, then try to intimid you into not asking any questions and we went along with it because we so wanted it to be true!!!  Just think of your investment as payment for one of her parties or gifts.  It is sad to think she did this to so many good and trusting people.

  11. I just heard that the FBI just raided the headquarters of Gaddel.  Many people who invested in this company are very upset about this news. I dont know how people was able to close when they have been telling people that the market has been is bad.  Chances are that this could have been a scam.  I myself have invested a large sum of money and looking to hear what the outcome will be from the feds.  Please talk to your sales rep to find out more about this raid by the FBI.

  12. My husband invested....boy has this company has destroyed many many lives!  It just goes to show you what happens when you "trust" someone.  They have crushed my husband's spirit.  I hope they all go down and pay every cent back plus some!  I need to get back the money NOW!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I also  spoke to Mr. Prather , when I saw him at Super Fresh ,he couldnt have been in jail this was just Fri the 27th when I saw him . I believe if he was in jail I wouldnt have seen him @ the store !!! I also just spoke to him on Sun on the phone I agree with micchec , Mr. Prather is on top of things he always responds to my phone calls and he greeted @ the store . I stand behind him 101%

  14. You are so funny.  I heard that the FORMER president and VP have been stealing money!  Is that true?  How can we believe what you are saying.  If you are a client or employee, let's have your name!  But no, you are just a liar, I know who you are!  You drive that $140,000 car, your brother drives a $100,000 car and your dominican President is a thief.  You can spread all the lies you want and remember, the FBI investigates all parties, not just the one you are accusing.  Speaking of the company not being what they say.  Why don't you give back all the money you made, since you act like its dirty.  If we are to believe what you are saying, then show some character and honesty and give back all the money you made.  If not, you are just another greedy, user, liar that will be wearing orange jump suit.  Elvis has left the building!

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