
How is GHB made & when'd it become illegal? What all needs 2 be bought 2 make it? Is is ALL NATURAL?

by  |  earlier

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I'd also like to know if the items needed to make GHB are legal to purchase and how do people purchase these items i.e. online, store, healthfood store, smoke shops....?




  1. uh sounds like someones going to do some raping...

  2. It's illegal because it's a dangerous date rape drug.  There isn't much other use for it.  Guess you wanting to make it tells more about you than the rest of us want to know.  It's been illegal since the early 1990s.  It has some pretty nasty side effects, umless you don't mind coma and seizures- and that other really nasty one- death.  It's even nastier combined with alcohol, which is usually how it's given- to another person.  You need some serious chemistry knowledge to make it, and to be honest, as a female it's the last bit of info I'd share with you.

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