
How is Joe Biden going to bring change? ?

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He has been in congress for over 3 decades...




  1. I don't like the old Blue Dogs who work both sides of the aisle...

    I wanted Obama to have the courage to pick a real Democrat.... sadly Hillary was not chosen.

  2. So, are you saying that change is the most important thing?

    Biden IS change in the way politics are done. He is not devisive. He works on concensus and doesn't cling to extreme ideological positions. He has friends on both sides of the aisle and no political enemies.

  3. He is d**k Cheney; have you ever seen them together? They are the same person.

  4. He's going to bless those "cold blooded murdering marines in Haditha"

    (Phrase by Dem. Murtha)

  5. Change doesn't equal youth.  Experience doesn't negate change.  

    Change is about new ideas, looking outside the box, understanding a problem then doing something about it.    

  6. It's going to be great on how his supporters will spin this change nonsense. 35 years of the same doesn't equal change I am sorry.

  7. One of the worst Senators in American history much like a Kennedy and a Polosi and a Harry Reid . Humm...sounds alot like another Dem puppet joined the stage beside Obama .

    Dont worry , Polosi and Reid and Kennady will pull the right strings to get him to dance in unity as well . He has had past experiance in doing so .

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