
How is Kenya compared to developed countries and how can it be developed ?

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  1. It is considered a third world country.  The best way for it to develop would be to eliminate corruption and red tape for the formation of businesses.  I suspect it could become a leading country a decade or so, if it modeled itself after Hong Kong where Capitalism is king and by forming a system of checks and balances like the United States, but institute punishment with the severity of China were high level officials are regularly executed for failure to do their jobs. If corruption is eliminated and business development is encouraged, capital and talent would flock.

  2. Kenya (Area:224,000sq. miles & 34 million people) straddling Equator on the Eastern coast of Africa is relatively a country better of then its neighbours. Its north-eastern neighbour, Somalia is a non-state. Still Kenya cannot be compared to South Africa even. Mainly composed of Nilotic, Cushitic and Bantu tribes with Kikuyu and Masai standing out has to first achieve national unity above the tribal divisions. There was a heavy influx of Arabs over the millennia who got absorbed as kenyans. Like all over Africa, borders were drawn with no concern to the natural divisions, tribal boundaries.

    Much if the land is wilderness with a vast & rich variety of big animals (the big 5 - Lion, Elephant, Giraffe, Rhinoceros and Hippopotamus). It is a living treasure of all humanity and  should not be lost to humanity in the name of western pattern of development. Wildlife tourism is the largest single industry.

    Though seasons are not well marked, on the coast January is the local summer and July is the rainy season. Agriculture where it is being practiced has lot of scope to develop well. There is no population pressure on the available land like in Asian & European countries. Mineral resources are modest. Energy resources are not adequate. It is the biggest trading economy for East Africa with developed ports on Indian Ocean and offering them to the hinterland trade of Ethiopia, Uganda, southern part of Sudan & Eastern part of Congo. Scope exists for developing hydro-electricity generation that might suffice for the country's requirements.

  3. kenya is is a under developed/developing country.

    it can be developed by increasing minning and farming

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