
How is Kobe Better then Lebron?

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I dont think Kobe is better then Lebron James at anything except for his shooting touch, but other then that, Lebron is the NBA's MOST COMPLETE player. At such a young age Lebron can do much more with practically nothing, and Kobe requires a large amount of talent to be productive at his full potential




  1. Kobe is a better all around player.

  2. Whether you are a Laker fan or not, a Kobe hater or not, if you know the game of basketball then you know the answer is Kobe Bryant.

    If you want to make an argument for Lebron James I can understand that. In terms of just statistics, for the 2007-2008 regular season Lebron is slightly better. Based on Hollinger's Player Effiency Rating (PER), which is a rating of a player's per-minute productivity, Lebron is "King":

    But Kobe is among the league's best in terms of statistics as well, and to determine who is "better" we have to go beyond just numbers. Kobe is a notch above Lebron right now. Both players are incredible offensive forces, able to create their own shots and score at will. But Kobe Bryant is clearly a better defensive player. He is an 8 time All-Defensive Team selection. How many times has Lebron James earned that honor? Zero.

    This past season Kobe led his team to more wins, went deeper in the playoffs...and he did it in a tougher conference. In addition, Kobe has more playoff experience and three championship rings on Lebron. Until both of their careers are over we won't be able to make a final judgement, but as of right now Kobe Bryant is clearly the best basketball player playing right now.

    If you were to poll those with the most professional basketball knowledge, such as fellow NBA players, NBA coaches, GM's, the media that covers the NBA, and other NBA executives, they would overwhelmingly agree that Kobe Bryant is the best player in the world right now.

  3. Dude....not this again.

    You just say that because LeBron was ballhogging all season and Kobe was leading a team to the NBA Finals. He had the ball in his hands the entire 81 games, dude. If Kobe did that like he did in the last couple of years, he'd have the scoring record AGAIN.  

  4. If you base it on stats then LeBron had a better season than Kobe. If you base it on success than Kobe had a better season than LeBron, Kobe got the MVP, has 3 rings, and tons of other accomplisments.

    Overall, Kobe is still a better player than LeBron on both offense and defense. Kobe's 1st team All-Defensive this year.

    I rest my case.

  5. his defense, freew throws and he can score anytime he wants  

  6. omg not again face it he just is a way better defensive player has 3 titles shaq or not he can drive so can lebron he can shoot but lebron can kobe can do everything lebron can but lebron cant do everything kobe can he can only drive better btw ppl forget lebrons ft% is not always good n kobe's is

  7. *completely agree...lebron just isnt a consistant shooter...but that will come with time

  8. Kevin Garnet is the best Basketball player EVEr.

  9. True I do believe the only thing Kobe has on lebron is his shooting touch, and probably his ability to create his own shot... LeBron is All-Around a better player than kobe... Also, whoever said that Kobe was a better defender, I dont remember when his team was barely .500 Kobe doing so much on defense...The reason being is because he had to do so much on offense he didnt have energy to burn on D...Which is what LeBron is doing now....When Kobe has help on his team, like he has now and like he had with Shaq, he can afford to play tenacious D because he doesnt HAVE to score on the other end...LeBron doesnt yet have that luxury, but just look at the Olympic Games to see just how amazing his defense really is... and you will see just what could be if lebron were to play both ends of the floor

  10. Ok i guess you judging them by Stats ..

    I guess you think Al Jeferson is Better than Kevin Garnett to since Al has higher stats at probably everything

  11. Then you must also agree Oscar Robertson is better then Michael Jordan?...well do you?

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