
How is McCain "Country First"?

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I am not an Obama supporter but I would like to know how McCain is "Country First".

He is:

-For Free trade regardless of its impact on American workers. He told Detroit car manufacturing workers their jobs are not coming back and get used to it.

-He is for open borders even at the expense of American workers.

-His foreign policy advisor has gotten more money from lobbying for Georgia and president Saakashvili than his work on the McCain campaign.

-His dear friend Lieberman voting and lobbying record shows more loyalty to Israel than the US.

It seems that he is all for globalist profiteering at every corner of the globe before protecting the sovereignty and interests of the US itself.

How do these facts make him country first?




  1. Read about the real sacrifices he made during 22 years in the US Navy

    Read about voting for the surge while saying this to a reporter. "I'd rather lose an election, that lose a war"

    To Obama, putting country first is bashing a President.

  2. You know, we who come here to read and submit answers to oft irrelevant questions, which often garner some ridiculous answers, have we way to much time on our hands. Most don't conduct their research prior to asking or for that matter answering. It appears as though we just want to stir the pot. To see who falls in line. Much like we've done in the last eight years. All points asked in this question are easily answerable. Profits were taken by those who have and paid for those who are struggling. Then along comes someone who wants to make effort to ease the struggle and he is admonished for so many things that have proven false in most cases. So we harp on his race, where he was born, his middle name, even his wife. We don't want to change. We want to keep that label pinned by a Mr. McCain advisor and be a nation of whinners. Maybe we should stop the whinning and start screaming, enough. Vote, but not for more of the same. And some of you won't and that maybe a serious mistake. That's part of Mr. McCain's message. He's going to upset you so you won't, especially if you disagree with him on any point. So shoots the maverick. Mr. McCain is not country first, he is McCain first. As a Vietnam Veteran myself, and no I did not come home a hero, Mr. McCain has post traumatic stress disorder. He is not ready to lead. VA wants me to believe that I am incapable of leading myself to the bathroom and I'm twelve years younger than he. I'm African American and that certainly ruins my chances to be president. Give it a break, give ourselves a break, let's stop fighting, stop whinning. Do something about all of the points you metioned. But remeber this is certainly not the forum to do so. Mr. Cheney was just in Gerogia and delivered another one billion dollars. Could "American" have use that to "rebuild" America?

  3. He's not.  

  4. it should be rich first then country first

  5. He didn't say which country though!  

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