
How is New Zealand differant than america? Is it really modern like america?

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How is New Zealand differant than america? Is it really modern like america?




  1. Im wondering if Janie can think of anything postive about nz...

    As i have lived here all my life, i see that we are no different from any other nation.I have travedlled around the world and have been to america,Europe,Aussie,UK, and some pacific islands.

    We are just as modern as any othe nation,i dont know what Janie is on about when she says she needs supplies always sent over...we are a first would country here.

    It hard to explain,you just really need to come down here for a visit on day and see for yourself,

    The pace of life is a lot more laid back then other countries.

    The only thing i really think that differs is the variaty of stuff you can get here,Insted of getting 50 brands of dishwashers you might only be able to get 20 brands.

    But the quality is just as high.

    And the Modern home remark,the modern home here look NOTHING like 1980s american homes, not evern close...

    honeslty though,come down for a few month s and have looks around for your self.

  2. I appreciate Tahini's thoughtful and honest answer, but I would have to disagree. There are TONS of things that we can't get here. My family and friends are constantly sending me supplies...=) It seems like everyday I realize something else they don't have here.

    It is different, but not in an "in your face" sort of way. But in my opinion it is in no way modern. The standard of living is much lower, the "modern" NZ home reminds me of something from the 1980's in The States.

    Like I said in an answer to another one of your questions- email me with any specific questions you have. You should try to be as informed as possible if you're seriously considering a move. I would also strongly suggest a visit, as long as you remember to take off your "vacation glasses" while you're here.


    Event: I am just being HONEST in my response. Living in another country is MUCH different from visiting. And if you haven't lived in both places, it is very difficult to compare the two- don't you think??

  3. OK, different and modern:

    Different, because there is no capital punishment, no private gun ownership unless there are special reasons, there is a state pension plan in effect which covers the entire population, and free healthcare covers everybody, whether working or not. Culturally, it's different, too. Think "San Francisco 1976", and you've pretty much got it.

    Modern: With the exception of nuclear power plants, there's nothing in America we wouldn't have.

    I hope this answers your questions?

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