
How is Nova Scotia??

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Alright well this question is for anyone who is living in Nova Scotia or knows Nova Scotia pretty well. Alright so I hate to say it but I am going to be moving to Nova Scotia from Toronto and I am pretty freaked out. I wanted to stay but I really can't, which sucks. So I guess I just want to know how the lifestyle down there is like, how the people are like, how the cities are like, and if it's pretty much just all farm land or something. So PLEASE, anything you know or might want to tell me please just answer it!!!!!!






  1. Nova Scotia is great.  I have been there several times, have family there and a friend of mine used to live there.  

    The lifestyle is fine.  The people are friendly, and generally happy.  Halifax is a fun place.  Historic... The towns dotting the coastline are charming.  It's not all farmland... more like lots of bush, natural area, and lots and lots of coastal areas.  

    They can get lots of snow... and they can get lots of rain... and now and then they suffer the effects of hurricanes that move up the coast.

    Personally... if I had to move to another province from southern Ontario where I live now, I'd move to Nova Scotia.  

  2. Halifax is a modern city with all the amenities. And the countryside is some of the most beautiful on earth. And the people are really friendly on average. In fact most will be stunned to find out you moved to Nova Scotia.

  3. Where in Nova Scotia?  

  4. I've lived in Nova Scotia for 20 years and it is a pretty good place to live. There is really only one 'city' which is Halifax. Everything else is fairly small. The city is beautiful, especially in the summer. Halifax is small enough that you don't get the polution, traffic or other big big city problems. There's a great bar and music scene, there's surfing and a little bit of snowboarding/skiing. There are several universities to choose from including Dalhousie, Saint Mary's, Acadia, St. FX, etc. My only complaints are that it doesnt have big city public transportation like a subway/train and there are no pro sports teams. Otherwise it's a great place to live, and you'll be glad you came :)

  5. Hi Britt!

    Your situation reminds me very much of my own when my family decided to move here from "The Big Smoke" MANY years ago.

    Nova Scotia doesn't have many things that the GTA is famous for.

    Much less air pollution and crime for instance.

    It's a much more relaxed and easy-going way of life, not having to be on the edge at all times when trying to get to work.

    I think you'll like it here. We do, very much so.
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