
How is Obama going to create 5 million jobs in alternative energy?

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The technology to create jobs building wind turbines and electric cars on a large scale is not there.

Is he going to hire 5 million people to dig holes in peoples yards for geothermal systems?

Is he going to hire 5 million people to go door to door teaching people to turns off their lights?

People are not putting solar systems on their houses because the technology is too expensive.

His world is a disney Movie




  1. I suspect the door-to-door option, it seems like what a "community organizer" would do and everyone always goes back to their roots when it comes to solving complex problems.

  2. The same way he does anything else.  Hope.  

    I heard something on the news today, he said something along the lines of "all the new jobs are in the alternative energy field".  Now, I'll admit there must be some jobs developing alternative energies, but I'm betting that many of them are high level jobs.  (Requiring college degrees, etc.)  That's not exactly going to help the average American.  Plus, the jobs aren't exactly going to be evenly distributed across the country, and I don't believe the 5 million number.  

  3. For someone without much experience as Obama, he runs the best campain in recent history, budget wise and everything while the more experienced are struggling how to fit their budget. So I don't doubt how Obama is gonna work miracles. He is very smart and knows what to do with very keen judgment.

  4. don't question it just believe. as soon as he's elected everything will be allright.  

  5. He will bring in illegals to do the job, but failed to mention it in his convention speech! :)

  6. He can do anything. All you have to do is close your eyes and believe with all your heart... clicking your heels together might help too

  7. i totally agree with u i feal very sad that the country is going out like that we are the best nation god bless u and FREEDOM

  8. Dont worry a hockey mom will solve all the worlds problems. lol

  9. Michelle said it quite well

    “He’s a gifted man,” she tells the audience, “but, in the end, he’s just a man.”


    Ah! ah! ah!

  11. I am sure he will first stop filling the oil companies pockets . Then maybe , we can breath at the pumps again. U would have to be crazy to even want another Republican in office after what they have done for the last 8 yrs.

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