
How is Obama going to pay for all of his special programs?

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Bush has put us into debt and our Dollar is weak. Where will he get the money? By taxing us more? What about balancing the budget and paying down some debt before creating more programs? Whats your thoughts?




  1. this is why we need McCain. He want's to control spending and cut back on earmarks and pork barrel spending!  

  2. won't he just borrow the money? that's the cool thing to do nowadays by the government

  3. the fact is obama will tax the heck out of everyone. He will not care in doing so. He will add taxes on the littlest things.

    1.What he wants to accomplish is getting the troops home to save that money and resend freedom. Then if their is another terrorist attack, he might reinstate the draft. ever thought of that?

    2.Then he will use that money to pay down the debt and our taxes that we pay will go toward paying down the debt so the end of his 8 years he would have reduced it more than half just to make him look good in the end.

    p.s. obama don't tell you all those things, he just tells you what you want to hear, mccain tells you the truth upfront.

    beware: obamas plans may look good on paper and on the teleprompter, but when it comes down to it your going to look at what you've been taking home and what you will take home if he gets in there.

  4. Yes, he and the rest of the Democrat Congress are trying to pass a $2.7 Trillion Tax Increase.  Just take $1,800 right off the top of what you make each year beginning in 2011 and lasting for 10 years after that.  

    One other thing, you said Bush put us in debt and more less blamed him for the dollar being weak.  Bush had a hand in our deficit for sure, war is not cheap.  But the war was justified.  Better to have Terrorists on the run over there than to be ducking everytime we hear a loud Boom over here.  The main reason for the deficit is Congress always over spends its budget.  Always!  It has happened each year since 1969, and it has been controlled by Democrats most of that time.

    No more taxes.  NO Obama.  No to Democrats in Congress.

  5. Taxes will be up, but contrary to what people think, taxes going up would be good.

  6. He says it's the health care is going to be paid by "a windfall profits tax on oil companies" despite the fact that he knows that that gets almost no money (regulation already prevents oil companies from having much windfall profits already)

    Basically, he hasn't explained.

    McCain isn't much better though, his proposal of getting rid of wasteful spending would only earn about 20 Billion $, out of a deficit of 400 billion, PLUS he wants to prolong tax cuts, which would only put us in more deficit.

    On these terms, neither candidate is very good.


    @Patriotic : like I said, only chips out of a very big rock. You need increases in taxes (sadly) to balance the budget, which neither candidate will be able to do

    I still support Obama though.

  7. Politicians pay the same way ALL politicians pay, with our TAX DOLLARS. I have yet to see ANY politician reduce the taxes that I pay... You ARE aware that the "stimulus" payments received by taxpayers is taxable income, right? Where do you think the money came from that Dubya sent out?

  8. Balancing the budget and taxing

  9. Raising taxes for those who earn 250,000 or more, raising capital gain and corporate taxes. Also, no doubt that he will continue to borrow from the Bank of China.  

  10. of course hes going to tax the middle class. you dont think hes going to pay for it do you? and you cant squeeze water from a stone so the poor is not going to (theyre getting the benefits of the special programs, the health care.) and you know he hasnt said anything about taxing the upper class or wealthy.  

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